Meanwhile, Arian Foster has resumed killing beef.
Meanwhile, Arian Foster has resumed killing beef.
2019 Browns: "We need to try something different"
Wes Welker's dancing too! Happy White History Month everyone!
I think calling IPA's over-rated is the most over-rated trend in beer.
Disagreeing with Old Rasputin being on here. There are plenty of good Imperial Stouts - that tend to be seasonal or limited releases and cost $10 or more a bottle. You can walk into a shitload of grocery stores and pick up a high-end craft quality beer for under $3. That's impressive as hell.
Abita's all over the South and I even see it nationally. I've seen Purple Haze and Turbo Dog six-packs at a few beer stores in Portland, and in bottles occasionally at southern-themed restaurants. I get that Abita is big because it was one of the first Southern microbreweries, but that shit sucks.
Okay, I'll agree to a point - context matters when it matters. If Ray Rice did have a history of beating women, yes that would be pertinent. If Janay had been physically assaulting Rice in an area where escape was very difficult (like an elevator) and he made a choice to defend himself, that would matter.
It's still irrelevant - he should not have hit her.
It is not okay to ask, nor is it pertinent to the story, because like you said - not self-defense, not an excuse to hit her. If she did not pose an immediate physical threat, it only serves as an attempt to justify what we know cannot be justified.
What are you talking about? It says "Rep. Curt Clawson" right there, not "Dem. Curt Clawson".
You don't need to qualify saying it's not okay to hit women.
Ladies and Gentleman, your next starting quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars!
So how many games should Janay have gotten for her role in the incident?
"Taco Meats, ranked"
Ground turkey is better than chicken breast but ONLY if you aren't the dumbass buying the leanest turkey you can find. 90/10 or even better 85/15. Animal fat tastes better than fatless animal.
This used to be a white jersey until it got tossed in the wash with Ray's other clothes.
Any beer nerd worth his salt has an appreciation for many types of beer.
Not quite fudge, but yeah they've got a good chew to them. That's usually my goal, with a little crispness around the edges. I almost always undercook cookies by a minute or two.
Toll House recipe is uniquely satisfying as a home-made cookie and is super low-effort, so it scales great. My family tradition is butterscotch chips rather than chocolate - I once did 7 dozen for Thanksgiving and they still got demolished.
This is a similar recipe (but not identical) to one I started using a year or so ago and god damn is it the best.