Barnes Burner

I don't know the story behind the new Lady-Thor, but Eric Masterson was known as "Thor" for 26 issues before he was "Thunderstrike".

Sadly, we can't weed out the game's creator. Had I known this, we probably wouldn't have purchased the game in the first place.

Your point is an unfair one. He publicly responded to a public accusation of rape - he didn't start the conversation. If he wants to turn this into a larger conversation about consent, great. For Max, that conversation isn't a public one, it's a personal one. He was very recently accused of a very heinous crime.

I stopped running the fantasy football league in the office because of non-payers.

The only confusing thing about this it that most bars I go to have already turned restrooms unisex and I've gotten used to not squinting at words or symbols on bathroom doors in dimly lit rooms after I've had four beers and a cocktail.

He reminds me of somebody that I used to know...

I don't disagree about the wardrobe but I would never say she "looks like hell".

I think I'll stick with "getting hit by a car".

I am a better person because I condemn her actions.

T-shirt and a blazer? Really Drew? Were you on there pitching a .com startup?

I got around being one of the youngest kids in class by telling myself that all the kids that were a year older than me were so stupid that they get held back pre-kindergarten. That was true more often than not.

This guy knows what's up.

There are a latke potato jokes being made here. I think they need to stoemp.

I think people making the "change the mascot to a potato" joke should be arrested. That joke has already been used.

No there isn't a law, but there is an attitude towards fucking that treats it as a crime.

So should we also stop heart disease coverage for people that eat at McDonald's? No dentistry for anyone drinking soda? Maybe we need to stop covering injuries for athletes because they're choosing to put their bodies at risk?

At what income level are humans permitted to fuck?

McDonald's isn't GOOD, but it does have a weirdly distinct taste that creates a craving a couple times a year.

The only place I've ever had under-cooked fast food (HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?) is Burger King and it's happened several times.

Fuck off.