Barnes Burner

Predictably, Michael Bradley was no where to be found.

I'm a Timbers fan and point 1 is a double-edged sword.

Ahhhhhh fuck you

"Real" is dumb as hell. That isn't just "history and tradition", that is a specific club's history and tradition tied to the country. It makes about as much sense as the Miami Steelers or the San Jose Packers (Or Tennessee Oilers. Or Utah Jazz). That's fine if you're a little league team just emulating your

Real Salt Lake is the worst. "Real" literally means "Royal". It was a title granted to Madrid by the fucking King of Spain in 1920. It's not just a name, it's an honorific from a foreign monarchy. What kind of idiots just rip off another team's culture and claim it as their own?

First "Thanks Obummer". Everyone else just biting.

I'm 30 and haven't done SPD in at least three, maybe four years. I can drink to excess any damn weekend I please, but most weekends I don't have to deal with nearly as many shitheads pouring food coloring into beer and blasting "Shipping up to Boston". Fuck White Pride day.

No mistake made - beer distribution is a strange, unpredictable business. Plus most of my local stores have really incredible selections. If I go 5 miles in almost any direction, it drops off considerably.

The big advantage to there being so many IPAs out there is that it's causing the death of the "hop bombs". Not everyone can survive by just chasing the IBU, so it's forcing more brewers to get creative. Here in Oregon there have been some citrusy hops that have been gaining popularity, resulting in more IPAs that

He specifically singled out Green Flash as one that was eliminated by ABV requirements.

Despite the infinite number of seasonals in Portland, Lil' Sumpin' Wild and Brown Shugga remain two of my favorites. Added bonus that they're in six-packs, which seems to be unheard of for many seasonals.

10 Barrel is almost exclusively Pac NW. Almost every Oregon beer is aside from Deschutes, Rogue, Full Sail, Widmer, and to a lesser extent Bridgeport.

I see Southern Tier at almost every grocery store in Portland.

1. "14 American IPAs ranked" is not "Top 14 American IPAs"

Well make it out to Portland and we'll change your mind. It's weird how many national and even regional beers struggle to find room just because of local competition. Boneyard's RPM is the current staple IPA that you'll find everywhere, with good reason. I think their Hop Venom might be the best IIPA flat out. But

We're not creeping! We always breathe this heavily!


I agree with the people who say no one should eat Peanut Butter M&M's in a world that still has Reese's Pieces.

Just in case.

Is Frida the one next to the Anthony Davis fan?