Counterpoint: 24K Magic is good.
Counterpoint: 24K Magic is good.
Sexual harassment doesn’t really have to do with how you look. It has everything to do with what the perpetrator thinks they can get away with. It’s why sex workers, LGBT people, and a POC are all at higher risk. It’s about power, not looks.
Continuing, she told the New Times that if she won, she’d wear appropriate clothing while legislating in the Capitol.
Goddamn it 2016; I am THIS CLOSE to shutting you down and rebooting your system. STOP KILLING OUR OLD GODS!!!
What he should have said:
We are not going to move forward as a race until we start valuing women’s and children’s lives as much as we value men’s lives.
A culture in which a mother burns her own daughter alive should’t be criticized? Fuck off with that moral relativism bullshit...
.... she wears corsets, heels, and outfits that strain her body. I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for that.
No. The problem DID exist, you just didn’t hear about it. You have never talked to all the trans* folks who got harassed and beat up and abused when they tried to use the bathroom. You’ve never had to help a friend find a safe space in a conservative neighborhood when he suddenly needed a toilet ‘cause he ate a street…
The cosplay itself is good, but the photos are so Photoshopped it’s making them look not quite real, like they’re turning into actual video game characters.
What a bitch!
I love how they made the “no curves” girl lean way back to flatten her stomach out. No curves usually means your stomach sticks out farther than your (non)boobs, and you can’t have a fleshy stomach showing without a nice pair of tits to even it out!
I know I’m in the extreme minority here but damn this show is so much more fun to watch than Game of Thrones. Is it campy as all hell? Damn straight it is. It is also brilliantly acted by a wonderful ensemble.
I just kinda figured her singing voice finally assumed a material form and expelled itself.
In a lot of ways, ED treatment is where addiction treatment was a generation or two ago. A deep lack of understanding as to both the physiological and psychological causes of the disease, plus the manifold variety of ways in which it manifests in individual cases, makes for incredibly scattershot and ineffective…
Is it me or does reality tv attract people who are fragile or otherwise not 100% upstairs?
Ugh, true.
Another show about white men doing white men things in the past
Another show about white men doing white men things in the past, I think even white men are tired of watching this, but Hollywood will tell you “No you aren’t, because stories about women, blacks, gays, Latinos make no here is another George Clooney movie that will make no money or here is another Matthew…