
Yay!! Dollhouse! But no, the explained in the episode right before the intermission hiatus that dying in The Framework would trigger death in their bodies, because the mind would believe itself dead and stop operating the body.

You only get five on Hulu, so hurry up!

There are spoilers roaming the internet about how Bakshi fits into this alternate world.

I've heard that this may be something harkening back to mass brain wiping from Dollhouse, but everyone's bodies just decay as they continue to exist within the Framework. .

Holy crap, just came back to this thread. HA HA HA HA HA

Nope, no Tony to invent the everlasting repulsors for them!

No, just that HYDRA had ancient roots.

I'm reminded of the Attic from Dollhouse

They die.

I think we might get Hyde, I think that's what the clipping referencing a subversive in Wisconsin was hinting at. THAT would be cool. A Hyde tickled at meeting his daughter finally, and Daisy already knowing who he is

In a way, that makes sense. Aida understands she is synthetic. She isn't really any different than that constructs that populate the Framework, and to her they are just as real as Fitz or May.

I don't think he was found. There is no Nick Fury here, it appears Gideon Malick isn't a thing either. May's mission in Bahrain was years prior, Tony may never have been captured, so never developed a suit.

It appears the Chitauri invasion never happened.

At this point, ABC has too much invested to not let it continue to 100 so it gets syndicated.

Looks like he's taking fashion tips from Jidenna

Except that real Fitz knows Jemma. A common trope in "true love" stories it that it's ALWAYS able to break through the magical spell. Aida has to know this, and will do all she can to prevent that from happening.

May turned into the Cavalry before the Chitauri incident, so it appears that the entire MCU as we know it has been averted. When they referred to the Cambridge Incident, I thought they were talking about Thor. Tony may never have even been captured by Ten Rings. And the screen where Daisy looked up Jemma, said

I think Coulson tracked down Hyde in his little scrapbook(The Cellist!!!). There was a clip about a subversive in Wisconsin, which is where he worked out of right? And if HYDRA started HUNTING Inhumans, his feelings for Jiaying would come into play. So we may see Kyle MacLachlan yet!

Her very first lines are 'Is this the bus to the underworld?" so I think that possible interpretation was intentional.

Also, a huge foreshadowing that Mace won't survive the season.