
Seeing the contrast between AIDA and Agnes was amazing, and really showed Mallory's chops

Apocalypse actually means "lifting of the veil" i.e. revelation, and since that was the movie that revealed the origin of the T Virus, and the extent of Alice and Matt's mutations, it makes sense.

Apocalypse was great. Plus, that final ASP fight between Alice and Nemesis is the best.

That was not Charles Dance, that was Michael McElhatton, who portrayed Roose Bolton.

I cannot believe Daisy's line about Gemma only being kidnapped twice on this planet didn't make it into the Stray Observations. It was the best line of the episode, though Yo-Yo's ranks second.

They showed that Joey quit. Yo Yo was already a soldier when she got her powers. Joey was just some guy who took fish pills to get in shape and impress some other guy. He's registered and doesn't do vigilante work, just lives his life now.

I think both could be true.

Anything that lets Ming-Na Wen flex her acting muscles is okey-do in my book.

I don't think it's that simple. She's fulfilling her directives by taking the tank of the team and replacing her with a robot. In her mind, she's protecting May.

Patton Oswalt's Eric Koenig, who was killed by Ward in season one. Two more Koenig's(also played by Oswalt) have been introduced, but they haven't been seen since Age of Ultron

Netflix passed on Agent Carter because there are still competing distribution agreements

We've seen Jocasta, in Tony's collection of drives he selects Friday from in AoU

Yeah, three characters just spent an entire episode in another dimension, what could THAT have to do with Doctor Strange?

They didn't "take over" the were staff writers and are credited with specific episodes.

He used the chain last season.

Her job was not to retrieve data, but to plug in the drive, that presumably knew how to dump it's data onto the server. Alby was just a courier, not a technician.

Scarfe mentioned Mjolnir.

Those were the agents with Mace when Coulson and May first walked in. He's quickly established his own base of power among the agents on the base.

They were inhibiting her from learning to use her powers, which made her a greater risk. Now that she has learned them, she needs them again.

He was already Caretaker in the first Ghost Rider movie