
The shoulder wound doesn't pose a risk to his internal organs as the abdominal wound did.

Marvel Studios: Who is this "Wolverine" person?

Consent is constant and ongoing.

I'm waiting for him to steal Penn's phone.

Heat Miser!

One of my daughter's now ex-friend who just turned 18 is just like this honestly. Her mom was an addict, she had to raise her younger sister, and now that she's hit adulthood, she's just decided she's going to do what she wants, and screw how it hurts anyone else, she was forced to put everybody else first, and she's

Yeah, when Boo did that all I could say was "Penn got her ass kicked by Piper!!"

I have had no problems with Daya grabbing the gun. She's at the end of her rope, having lost the man she loved, her baby, her mother, and she's trying to gain independence and agency.

Where is Yoga Jones? Sister Ingalls? I mean, they at least showed Hapakuka hiding under her bed, but nothing from them? Come on!

I am aware of that. People THOUGHT he had entered a terrigenesis cocoon.

Sean Bean, duh.

That's what I was thinking, let her be a "real person" in the Framework and keep it up and running, but with no body she can escape out of. She might even prefer it. Fitz would chose her in that world, in this one he probably won't(though he'll struggle with it for a time)

I dunno, if Hope comes back we are most definitely losing Mack. So if that happens, I say Tripp has to come too. Plus, that just sounds like a EPIC Whedon troll, interchange the black guys AGAIN.

There is a way to do it, Radcliffe popped in and out all he wanted. Daisy and Simmons just didn't know how.

Fitz flat out told her her new body would be better, in the previous episode.

Aida told us several episodes ago, it has to be recalibrated with every new entry, Radcliffe freaked out about her doing it while he was connected.

We weren't watching the Framework when she went through

I feel like that would have gotten a passing mention. I agree we will be heading back in.

Well, the real universe doesn't have a Patriot anymore either.

The first pan across the control room before SHIELD barged in, I think