
I hope next winter the announce "Director Carter" with a new distrubution agreement on Netflix(the name Agent Carter can't move to Netflix because of distribution issues).

No, Talbot was the sign that the president was unofficially welcoming SHIELD back into the secret fold. But the Accords are forcing them back out in front again

He's had it.

And any enhanced who resists can be executed without trial.

Actually Disney/Marvel retained the rights to anything Spiderman on TV, live action or animation. So ABC could easily make use of the parts of Spiderman's stories and characters they aren't planning on integrating into the movies.

Unless this director is only temporary.

No, just overseen by the government again. Not necessarily public, Coulson didn't identify them when investigating the semi.

Except the person who said it was Ragnar.

We did see Baby Bjorn. He came running up to Ragnar in vision when he heard Bjorn's scream.

Ragnar is, he killed the old man who came back to tell him right before they left for Paris.

Why would she need to scam Ragnar? He already pities her.

That isn't Therese's lover, that's her husband, and that lets you know that Odo's been played from the start.

The thing about Bjorn, is there are hints in the first season that he's not Ragnar's biological son. Rollo was quite hung up on Lagertha, and they are clear that Ragnar and Lagertha aren't opposed to bed guests.

The dark eyeliner both of them sport all the time doesn't help.

Oh goodness I am here for Amell as Chipmunk Hunk and I didn't even know.

Marvel, sensing fan disappointment with the lack of female representation, pushed Wright to increase Hope's role in the film. This was apparently the cause of the split.

I'm not being hard on Bayley, I'm being hard on the system that valued him more than it did Poussey.

IMO, I don't think she ever did. She was picked up by the cops that night.

Poussey's flashback didn't take place the same night Bayley was arrested. I don't think the show was saying they are fated, it's just reminding you that they both did the same things in their youth, but because of their privilege, ended up on different sides of the spectrum.

I am shredded.