
Because Showtime is still signing his paychecks. In the interview where he said he planned all this, the very next line points out he has a new show on Showtime.

The picture after giving birth indicates nothing, because we all look like shit after that.

Well, it's contrived, or it's consistent with the presentation that Suzanne's family never confronted her mental illness, thought it was "all in her head" and that she could just "get over it" with enough loving encouragement.

A WASP family would never have let Suzanne's hair fro out like it was in the flashback where her sister was born. A WASP family would have had her at the salon weekly putting relaxers and straighteners in her hair to "tame" her natural hair. They were upper class "crunchy" definitely.

Her parents are alive and well, we've seen them in visitation. If I had to guess, it was their attempt to force some independence on Suzanne, because it doesn't ever seem as if any of them ever grasped the extent of her illness.

I remember her trial, I don't recall it being for murder.

One thing that has been consistent with her character through the series, is her dislike of confronting things. Whenever she senses a situation going somewhere she doesn't like, she changes subjects. At first it seemed like the show was saying she has a short attention span, but I don't think that's it. I think

I don't remember her being on trial for murder.

I don't think she killed the nurse, just shot her.

Yes, I really liked both of those moments.

So that meant flashback was in 2010, because we know she was 28. And we can see from her flashback where her sister was born, that she is about 5-6 years older.

Suzanne's parents have worked an agreement out with the prison to keep her out of psyche, but whether that will hold under this administration.

Except that it showed that NOTHING got hashed out. Yoga was horrified at what had happened, while Judy was fine. Just continuing to show us how terrible Judy is.

Suzanne's flashback was very impactful for me, because I saw where it was going when she ran into the kid at the park. And yes, I can totally see a kid flipping like that, if once he tried to call for help, he was attacked as Suzanne did him.

It goes back to the conditions Caputo created when he did the "housing as benefit" thing. He thought it was great looking at his memories, but these guys aren't Caputo.

They have mattered insofar as they have isolated her from the other prisoners. The prisoners remember the favoritism that Piper has been shown as an indictment of Piper as a person, not an indictment on the system of racial and class privileges. We see this with the Judy King story line as well, with no one

IMO, for Penn this an attempt to make it not rape. It's actually a common reaction among rape victims, is to legitimize the relationship. Boo recognizes it, but can't articulate it to Penn.

No, Piper wanted to be transferred and changed her mind b/c Alex, so Ruiz was to be sent in her place, and THEN she stopped it.

Accumulating shots decreases your chances of release for good behavior. That's why Aleida is getting out, she hasn't gotten any shots for awhile.