
He scolded Vanessa because he already knew the cost of darkness. This season he's tired of paying the price.

No, Dalton's was not scary, because you always knew Dalton was Lucifer in that scene. Hartnett's was TERRIFYING because you didn't know it wasn't Ethan at first

I'm pretty sure, they knew who Sembene was with, Vanessa saw Ethan in his wolf form, and they could tell Sembene was ravaged by an animal, which is distinct from how the Nightcomers kill.

It makes sense though. Lyle's best foil has always been Ethan, and Ethan's not there.

No, we don't know yet. They keep misdirecting us on that, because I thought the same thing.


I can Lyle rolling around Egypt with a young Marcus Brody and Sallah's dad.

I've caught a shot in the previews that indicates he succeeds, at least temporarily.

I'm not entirely sold on Ethan's "turn" here. I think he may be using Hecate for his own ends here.

But he's always been that character. He did something very bad to get his curse, we've known this, so I don't understand why, now that you've finally found out what he's done you think he's a monster.

His father bribed people to have him extradited.

Yeah, Ethan became an inhuman monster, because he was a human monster first.

I pointed out to my husband that in all reality Rusk should be our hero. But instead we're rooting for him to fail in his question to kill Ethan.

He isn't Sweet all the time, he impersonates Sweet, just like he impersonated the orderly.

Ethan is an inhuman monster because he was a human monster first.

I have always known that Ethan became an inhuman monster because he was a human monster first. I don't know how you watched the show and missed this.


Yeah, while the show has hinted at what is going on with Vanessa and the two brothers, this spells everything out for those who weren't entirely certain. One is one earth and lives on blood, the other exists in spirit and lives on faith. That she knows that God has sent her a protector(I don't think the Wolf/Hound of

The "Exorcist" episode from season one was terrifying and exhausting. But Hartnett's performance as Dracula impersonating Ethan stole the show on that one.

I think Logan has the answer to the mystery and has been pretty good with doling it to the audience. Every season ends with us knowing "enough" to be satisfied with what we're told if the show is cancelled, so I have hope we'll get some more answers before this season is over.