
Perhaps Clare's role isn't necessary related to Vanessa, but Brona's. Don't forget Ethan was linked with her in a transitory way as it appears Clare was here. Clare played an even greater role in the creation of Brona/Lily than he did in the "creation" of Vanessa into who she is today.

I don't think they are two different entities, what Vanessa wants is what Amunet wants. She's a vessel, she IS Amunet. It's just that her memories and powers as Amunet are repressed.

Yeah nothing will happen in the story when Vanessa sees John Clare again.

This takes place prior to her mother's death and after her estrangement from Mina

The idea I have is that she's ALWAYS been the vessel, it just awoke when she crossed the moral threshold and seduced Mina's fiance.

You can either go with the conceit of the show, and the evidence provided. Or you can not.

Ethan wasn't in England yet. He'd only been there at least a few weeks when we met him, as there were no prior werewolf attacks.

Vanessa is the mortal vessel for a being called Amunet, who is referred to as the Mother of Beasts.

When the bed is moved across the room, there is no honey pot.

If Sweet was only being possessed, would his blood have power?

She is the human vessel for Amunet, mother of beasts(in the show's mythology)

I was all "Garrus, NO!"

That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo!

Radcliffe has been in congressional hearings and I think he's been working officially under SHIELD, but has been working on an LMD on the side.


I think Coulson is looking to give up the responsibility, considering his actions brought Hive to Earth

It sounded more like Radcliffe was working under SHIELD, what with all the congressional hearings he's had to do.

He look like a Turian, IMO.

And I was just like "That's probably what an explosion in a vacuum looks like". It's nice when TV lampshades for us sometimes.

No, those photos were what he hired Brona to do, she knew he was taking them. I'm sure part of it is his wealth and connections, but she is also drawn to him for his immortality,