
No, she knows who Dorian is, and has her memories as Brona of what he did. I think she remembers him more fondly than her other johns, because he wasn't scared by her consumption, like Ethan.

Yeah, I'm kinda like, if Lily is on a quest to rid the world of men who callously mistreat prostitutes Mr. Gray should be at the top of the list for his treatment of Angelique last year.

No, he's pretty aware, he's seen all the crime scenes and tells anyone who will listen they better brush up on their occult studies.

My husband was all "Do you have any idea how bad that smells?"

The son was already sick in Clare's flashbacks, the loss of the father's income has just caused him to deteriorate faster.

Yeah, but I don't think Tony ever took the Accords seriously. He wasn't "Pro-Accords" he was "Pro-Being Seen Doing SOMETHING". He broke them the first chance he got, and he could have cared less what was actually in them. Tony was looking for a PR victory, and figured he could steamroll Ross later(as he did).

Well, they specified that each country would have leeway in this, making it different than the WSC. So a US agency could authorize action within their own country without going through the UN.

And my point is that if they were under the Accords, Fury would have been the one to give them permission in the first place, so it would have been cool, because if asked, Fury would have said "I TOTES SENT THEM THERE DIDN'T YOU SEE THEM IN MY QUINJET"

Fury didn't give them the go ahead either.

Yeah, and what's good for Tony is good for everybody(if you're Tony)

The same country who thought it would be a great idea to reelect the man who lied about WMDs in Iraq.

Nobody in the movies, accept for Spiderman who Tony brought in in violation of the Accords, has a secret identity. It makes more sense to make registration a focus on the show, than in the movies.

The previews for next week show the cross with Fitz, who DID just get into a happy relationship on a Whedon show.

Except they were operating under SHIELD's jurisdiction at the time, who would have been the appropriate agency to authorize their activity.

I think that maybe Lincoln is overplaying that whole "Every Inhuman has a purpose", but yes building Lash up all season to go out like this was a disappointment.

People make a choice to own a gun. Most of the Inhumans we are dealing with on AoS didn't make that choice.

Well, you will also see that Joan thinks women who are seduced by the devil deserve what's coming to them as well, so I don't think we are interpreting it that differently

I am assuming Joan was assuming the pregnancy was the result of a seduction that ended in abandonment

Which is victim blaming bullshit. How is that girl supposed to "be on her guard" in a society that denies women agency? The next man who demands her sexual attention, she's just supposed to say "The Cut Wife told me not to" and that's going to stop it from happening somehow?

No mention of Coulson's SHIELD? I am disappoint.