
I like to think Ana works for Stark as some proto-Pepper-ish assistant.

OK, how adorable is it that both Carter and Adam are crushing on Kara?

I watch both shows, and I see the similarities. But the showrunners have gone on record saying they aren't HYDRA

They kind of dropped the story, but that Oliver Quinn guy wanted it, and was seen stealing it from Garret at the end of season one. I thought this might be the origin of it.

I don't disagree that they are related to HYDRA in some way. I'm just correcting the idea that these old white dudes are "creating" HYDRA

HYDRA already exists in the Marvel universe at this point. Peggy was instrumental in their defeat. This is all covered in the first Cap movie.

Zero matter is the Gravitonium from Seaon One of Agents of SHIELD if I'm not mistaken.

It sure was convenient that Lord didn't have a secret camera in his most secret room by the way.

It was a quicksand invented by Toyman.

The Widows friend is Jade's lover Rider. So no.

Quinn's issue with The Widow is that she's a woman. That's it. Because, as you point out, she took power the same way he did, by killing the Baron.

I think Sunny's too indoctrinated. Quinn's been practically screaming "Kill me and take my place" all season, and it keeps going over Sunny's head.

Sunny could kill Quinn without breaking a sweat if he wanted to.

This was actually pointed out in the episode where Ryder goes to the dollhouse. He twigged onto something nefarious when he saw the quantity of opium the prostitute had. This was a trap, but a clever one.

Yes, she is the only one of the Barons who is remotely relatable(for now, if Zephyr gets a Barony I will be excited, but that's just leftover affection for her role as Saxa on Spartacus) and has decent motivations, even if I can recognize that she's losing her humanity in her methods.

Except that the show has been careful to demonstrate that only The Widow and her crew drive around in cars, and can afford to let them sit around idling. The only other vehicles are Sunny's bike, and the jeep being used by Jacobys men, both carefully maintained so as to use less gasoline.

But Quinn seems too smart to believe this would tear them apart as opposed to just pushing them together.

Yet, if there hadn't been in torture, it's unlikely that Astra would have sent them into a trap.

Yes, Quinn keeps going ON and ON about the fact that the title is taken. He wants Sunny to succeed him, as Quinn was the Regent to HIS Baron, but he keeps pushing Ryder in hopes to spur him to action.

If it had to be anyone other than Coulson, that's who I would have chosen as well.