
He also didn't try to kill Gutierrez.

Because he feels they are a danger to everyone else. Daisy is the ONLY Inhuman he hasn't tried to kill, and that's only because their relationship goes beyond his Terrigenesis.

That's comic Lash, those origins are not relevant to the MCU Lash, who was not "chosen" to receive Terrigenesis.

No, he's pretty much blanket Inhuman. He makes some exceptions, like Daisy. It's not about who is deserving, Andrew seems to feel that the vast majority of Inhumans are too dangerous.

I think the showrunners wanted to lay this murder at Coulson's feet, because that's exactly what it was. They spent several episodes at the start of the season showing us just how wrong Hunter's quest for vengeance was, that ethic hasn't changed just because it was Coulson doing the killing this time.

I'm pretty sure Lash is going to be who takes out Zombie Ward

The show wouldn't be able to withstand the backlash if they killed off another LGBT character

Replace the 2nd Ward with Coulson

(Ward’s death should have been at the hand of Bobbi, Lance, or even Daisy.)

While I agree with you there actually is a part of the audience(shippers) who are still under that illusion. That was why Agent 33 had to say she #StandWithWard last season, because there actually was a part of fandom that created that tag to argue just that, that he still had a good side in there somewhere.

The review said Ward wasn't a compelling villain, and that Mack, he of the axe(soon to be mounted to a shotgun!), is "lousy" in the field. The man that has single handedly held off HYDRA and Jiaying's army of Inhumans, is "lousy" in the field?

Oh it gets worse, in re Mack

it wouldn’t be necessary if Ward was a more compelling villain.

Kara picked him up on a Friday.

Jessica grabbed her bag. Remember, Killgrave set this up on purpose, he wanted Jess to "rescue" Hope, so this could happen.

The only character that doesn't sing is Willow, and that's because Alyson Hannigan adamantly refused to. SMG wanted to have her singing dubbed, until she learned that her afterlife reveal would be revealed in song, so she got singing lessons.

I don't know, I think AoS has always TRIED(maybe not succeeded) to tackle these questions. Like, you don't have your pilot episode have the good guys NOT kill the black guy in a hoodie, just months after the Martin shooting, unless your trying to talk about these things.

I don't know, Daisy views what happened to her as an unadulterated good, and facing someone like Joey who was very unhappy at what had happened and didn't seem convinced by Daisy's "you can be a hero" spiel really threw her for a loop. I'd like to see more of that.

Well, it's definitely not an informed choice, as these people don't have any clue that their powers can be used safely, a la Daisy. They aren't getting the entire story.

I'd love to see the ethical complication that Rosalind is getting permission from these people. We saw how upset Joey was in the premiere. He might have agreed to what Rosalind offers.