
they are far more likely to encounter Black males who react violently.

They explained that Fitz engineered the battery.

And don't forget The Big Blue Guy

While I feel that it would have been more powerful for Kara to assert there is nothing wrong with being girly, it's not too bad a thing that it was said.

Considering it's not like May to have left Andrew exposed that way when she knew his life could be in danger, I find it very likely that May had Momma May keeping tabs on Andrew, just as she was keeping tabs on Daddy May.

Jiaying was going VERY public by the end of the season.

Um, we already did the Inhuman Magneto last season with Jiaying.

When Bobbi advised him to start fresh and he whipped out his phone, I thought he was going to get Simmons a puppy. And, IMO, he should have.

No, the show already explained that the tainted fish oil would not be fatal to humans because the metals were left in the ocean.

They already explained that the fish oil would not be fatal to humans, because it was the metal that was harmful and the metals were left in the ocean.

They've been pretty clear that the things that are bothering her are related to stuff that didn't exist on the alien planet. Artificial lighting, vibrating technology, so yeah I think it's just a readjustment period.

Right before that scene, May had a line about how they were "hard enough to understand" sober, so yeah the subtitles were to convey May's perspective.

Also, AGRON!

Daisy is nearly 30, not early 20's. Agreed on the Lincoln.Daisy romance. We all knew it was coming, but there's not enough build up. One way to shake up the way the Inhumans are visually presented is to start having Daisy vibrate guns apart again, that's got to be a pretty cheap effect.

That's not spoilers, only pure speculation, don't worry!

They have. On some things. They won't with this

deciding that Jon somehow gets a free pass might be stretching things a bit too far.

Yes, but he was a minor character in the books. Martin has clearly telegraphed who will survive to the end(whether they survive the end is another matter), and who will not. Jon, Dany, Sansa and Arya will all make it to the end.

If you don't read the books, you don't understand the difference between Robb and Jon.

She did the explicit movie AFTER A Different World. She was forced off ADW for getting pregnant. SHe came back to the Cosby show but was gone again 18 months later over "creative differences"