
King is absolutely a true believer.

Plus with how his scars identified him, it seems like Africa or any other place with a high concentration of slaves, like the Carribean or America, isn't really a place where he could go.

She had faith in God, and Ethan had faith in her. Ethan turned his back on her to seek atonement. She's in a "Fuck God" mood at the moment.

She is the human incarnation of the Mother of Evil, referred to as Amunet and Lillith within the show. This is what gives her her supernatural powers. When she's been possessed, it's been by the spirit of this immortal monster, seeking to find one of the two brothers. That spirit IS her, but it's overwhelming

Except Hecate told us last episode that they are always vulnerable to gunfire

Denis Quaid. He'd be terrifyingly evil if they wrote it right.

No, they were always easily killed by gunfire, and Lucifer withdrew the youth fro Evelyn because she failed, not because he was defeated. Vanessa just destroyed the fetish.

That didn't strike me nor anyone I watch with as confirmation of blood relation, just Malcolm walking back from his previous statement that he'd sacrifice her for Mina.

You make my point(btw, Marcy HAS played the game, do you people not bother to read the articles you comment on?).

She's the reincarnated soul of Amunet/Lillith.

Vanessa isn't possessed by Lucifer, she's possessed by Amunet/Lillith.

They've aged her deliberately. She looks older now than she did at the season's beginning

But none of that's changed for the first season cast

Plus, in my understanding, can't you get time added for pretty much anything? I wouldn't be surprised if her sentence was extended for her altercation with Pennsatucky

I can't believe she just DIDN'T WAIT. She could have gotten the info from the phone and made the transfer outside and there literally would have been nothing Piper could do about it then. When I figured out she'd done it, and that it was Tuesday(as established earlier that it Fig and Caputo's meetup night) I thought

They actually showed her applying (what I assume was) relaxer to her hair earlier in the season.

Not if they've been using it punitively for non violent offenders who run afoul the rules, like Nicky.

Well, if the contract negotiations don't work, they haven't committed to it, so then it can be just some random new prisoners.

There aren't a lot of min security federal inmates, so they have to make their own? It's a tv show, they can make up any reason they want, I mainly believe this, because this is how Nicky and Stella will be reintegrated into the show.

They take a momentary cut from the prisoners they move from Max, but by doubling up at Camp and increasing occupancy at Max, it's still more money in the long run, and Pearson Sr WAS talking about the long term this episode.