
They'd have to make the case, it couldn't be all inmates, just ones that aren't violent(like Nicky)

They make more money off Max, so if they can make the case that these prisoners aren't high risk, they can double bunk at Camp, and get more money from the high risk prisoners at Max.

When MCC bought the prison, they wanted to use the unused facilities at Max, because private prisons charge more to the state for upkeep for higher risk inmates.

Which was the indication to me that these populations will get integrated, I thought they'd move the Camp to Max, but sets cost money, so instead, bring up some low risk inmates from Max, to make more space for violent felons MCC can charge more money for from the government.

STAN THE MAN! It was bugging the crap out of me where I knew him from.

I'll keep saying this I guess, but I'm pretty sure the new prisoners are from Max. They could have shown her walking in with them, but there are probably contracts to settle before the commit wholeheartedly to it.

I think the new prisoners are from Max, so yeah, Piper's about get smacked by reality.

That's a good call, he wouldn't want Daya's baby to be raised by Cesar, which is what he thought he'd be consigning her to by leaving.

It was scotch, but yes that parting line was hilarious.

I'm pretty sure those prisoners are from Max. So Stella and Nickles are probably back.

This is filmed in full before it ever airs, they don't adjust the story because of the audience.

Daya was pregnant, when she wasn't pregnant when she arrived.

Cesar's already said he's not taking her. And no, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about her conversation with George, not Daya.

It was during the prison conversation with George.

Except she flat out said she was going to, and then still went back to Daya for the child.

I just would have liked to know it existed prior to this episode, perhaps Vanessa suggesting a party and Malcolm having a meaningful look at the closed up room.

Dorian, that why she was possessed after sex, Lucifer couldn't risk her belonging to Dorian, because only ONE of them will get to rule Heaven.

I expect her to not victimize an innocent child in a misguided attempt at "fixing" a clearly broken person.

She tried to pipe bomb his fiances car

Except that her only purpose in now adopting Daya's baby is to enable George to live out his fantasies.