
BTW, for those laughing at Black Cindy and her Lysol douching grandmother

Thank you!

I have no idea of the distances involved, but when I saw he wolfed out in the previews, I thought it indicated they'd been there for a whole month, so I was surprised that it turned out to be the next day.

And that's why she's acting it out on strangers, because Brona knows Victor killed her, but Lily cares for him?

The Faculty, my original crush

I thought he was the demon masquerading as Ethan again when he said that.

I totally expected to work some wolf magic on those dogs when the rich guy was threatening them, like he did at the zoo in season one.

Loved Lyle's "Don't tell us where you're going"

My question was could they actually get from London to the moors in a day?

When they were going to pack I said "Don't forget your stash Vanessa". I'm pretty sure it was legal at this time.

Levis were patented in 1873, and cable knit sweaters are older than that.

He's not Egyptian either(that we know of, oh man what if he goes back that far?), but he knows a lot about Egypt.

Really? Because that blonde hair in Dark Shadows looked atrocious on her.

He indicates in the previous episode that he's very old, older than Evelyn with his line to Hecate about Evelyn being young, and we know Evelyn is hundreds of years old.

Our TVs will melt, and then how will we watch the rest of the season.

It seems wrong that he and Green are close in age, Josh Hartnett's always been in his mid twenties in my mind.

She is the first person I've seen that has hair so black it's actually blue.

Stoner Vanessa is a thing that gives me life.

Well, Vanessa does know, despite her inability to have one. But I can see your impersonation too, but then it seems her reaction wouldn't focus so much on what Victor thought of what she did and said, instead her concern would be centered on Vanessa's judgement.

I can personally let go the fact that she can't immediately determine the identity of a woman in disguise that she met for a grand total of two minutes a few months ago. The more pressing question, is why the hell didn't she twig that something was up when Lily looked at Victor for approval FOR EVERYTHING SHE SAID.