
It's pretty apparent to me that's intentional. The scenes that are of dubious consent, are not filmed to be titillating, with people clothed and all. The one where the two people involved were explicit in their consent, is the one that was nude.

Love that Lyle is Jewish.

Because spoilers have been rampant in the comments from the start, as the show has been out for over a month.

He did talk to Gao, later episodes confirm that they were trying to kill Vanessa.

I can't see how that would go well for Sansa in the moment.

She knows it's the person who's pursuing her, but just as in Joan's memory she couldn't see who tortured her, she couldn't see who Geoffrey's sexual partner was.

This is the experts thread, so no, we aren't JUST discussing the show.


The only ones on your list that even remotely qualify as "main characters" are Margaery, Arya, and Brienne and you know it, but nice try.

I imagine we'll get an Ethan one this season, as him coming to terms with being a Wolfy Protector seems to be a part of this season's story.

Catelyn, dead. Brienne, nearly raped. Margaery, saved only by her grandmother. Melisandre, sold into sex slavery.

The reviewer is referring to the parts of the flashback where Vanessa isn't present, like Evelyn going dom on Geoffrey.

No, Evelyn had her "This is my witch look, I'm TOTES controlling her" look on the whole time, knowingly looking at her, choosing the right time for her to say "Burn the witch"

Ramsay does that to "Arya" specifically because EVERYONE knows that she isn't actually Arya, and there is a much more prominent anti-Stark faction supporting Roose which is absent in the show. And Jeyne Poole had been held captive and raped for over a year before being delivered to Ramsay, with threats hanging over

Sansa's role in the narrative is also that a) terrible things can happen to women that don't include rape, and b)contrary to what Wiess and Benihoff believe, not every woman is raped. EVERY SINGLE MAIN FEMALE CHARACTER in the show has been raped.

Are you for real?

It wouldn't have been a pleasurable situation, but there was no reason whatsoever for the show to have her meekly submit to Ramsay's humiliation.

I think she did it because Evelyn was standing RIGHT THERE and used magic to make her do it.

Yet, in that WOW chapter she plays him like a fiddle.
