
To go further, to do this better all they had to do was one thing.

Doesn't matter. It still completely and totally erases Sansa's own story from the books, in furtherance of Theon's.

That's debatable, but what she HASN'T been, is victimized to help some poor sap with no one to blame but himself, finally grow a fucking conscience.

But what cheeks though! Exquisite works of art they are.

Yes she shamed her. There is no indication within the narrative that girl consented to sex. But the narrative indicates several time that men ignore a lack of consent. Joan could have known the truth, and perhaps her statement is supposed to be read as that she used her powers and knows it was consensual, it's just

As I explain above, I disagree. Vanessa doesn't know that the Nightcomer is Evelyn, but considering the power Joan made her demonstrate earlier, it's entirely possible she learned the truth from Geoffrey during their forest confrontation. She and Joan did seem to know what was coming after that.

One thing I also enjoyed about this episode, aside from the Cut Wife's shaming of her patient(there is no indication it was consensual, and plenty of indications that it wasn't necessarily) is her explicit statement, that people persecute women who do for other women.

The fact that Sansa was raped to further Theon's story is exactly why I'm outraged, I don't know what "glossing over" you're seeing.

OH, shit I didn't even think of that.

The rape of Sansa Stark was an atrocious thing on behalf of the show. Her story stands out in the books, precisely because SHE HASN'T been raped. Her story demonstrates that there are many other ways women can be victimized, and per the WOW preview it looks like the show and books have finally parted ways in regards

For me it's the betrayal of everything her character stands for in the books, sacrificed for male character development

Damn Wiess & Benioff

When she opens the door, Evelyn turns and hides her face, and Vanessa seems less that concerned about WHO'S a part of the mob that burns Joan at the end.

But he hinted that he knew about her past in the episode where he hired Foggy & Matt for the Bowling Enthusiast, a past that apparently includes gunfire from her line before she shot him. So it seems like he should have considered that.

He hinted at knowing more about her past, which I assume is what was alluded to with her "You think this is the first time I've shot someone" line, so I was really hoping he'd confirm that he knew it wasn't before she shot him.

I haven't seen future episodes yet, and I knew right away that that Leland was in on it. His every action screamed it.

Because Leland knew what was going down, AFTER having gone to talk with Gao.

Maybe Dorian IS Lucifer/Amon-Ra/Whoever(the title of the Big Bad seems to vary based on what culture is involved, the vampires were Egyptian, so Amon-Ra is who they think is the Master, the witches are from a Christian culture, so they think he's Lucifer).

Except that Selmy didn't disappear into the Iceland Outback that's crawling with zombies and Ice Monsters

He strikes me as this outside instigator. He's not in the inner circle, but his actions still have an impact, like how his romp with Vanessa, led to Possession I imagine this latest dalliance will impact the plot further down the line. Which is fine for me, Carney's performance does nothing for me.