
They did that last season, it was Moat Cailin, and they did just that, Theon talked them into surrendeing and Ramsay staked and flayed them.

He may very well show back up. I don't discount the possibility. But I also think it's silly to say that JUST BECAUSE he was in the first episodes, which were all about getting one of the most central characters, Jon, to the Wall, it means he has some hidden relevance to the story.

He got three appearances. That's not "a bit of time".

I thought that scene would give me nightmares.

the Night's Watch would have discovered him dead in season two or three.

She hasn't suffered yet. Those dolls only look that way after Evelyn tormented them.

It seems to me that the conclusion of the wolfman thing will come when Chandler has perhaps accepted that there is a greater purpose in his other form, as indicated by Poole's use of the words Lupus Dei, Wolf of God, to describe him, and Chandler's own discovery of the use of wolves in heraldry as a symbol of

The way Angelique kept repeating about Gray being "young and beautiful" and implored him to stay that way indicated she knew more about him than initially revealed.

But Benjen would reject it for the same reasons Jon did.

IMO, by making Reek do things he REALLY doesn't want to do, like confront and apologize to Sansa, he's inadvertently giving him the backbone to betray him later.

He made the same vow Jon did, and is ineligible.

It was a scorpion.

It was the second season, he sits around a wallows for awhile after killing Caesar, then strips naked and wades into some water, where he is "reborn".

I don't disagree with anything you say, but I still don't care.

True, Cat hadn't received word of it when she released Jaime, but B&R are dead as far as the rest of the world is concerned.

And not bratty "Arya Underfoot" but their regal, lovely, and kind Sansa. BIG DIFF there.

But among Bolton's men are plenty of Stark loyalists. They didn't kill ALL of them at the Red Wedding, just enough to get the rest to surrender and kneeling to Bolton was the only way to go home.

I don't think she does, but I have no faith in the showrunners.

It had been weeks since the flayed people(two men, one woman) were hung up, so yes they'd been taken down. But Sansa likely knows who and what the Boltons are, it's their fricking sigil.

Or he talked to Sansa about it in a scene we haven't seen.