
If we get that scene, I will join you in condemnation. But I'm not going to assume to know what the showrunners are going to do.

Also, it seems to me that we as book readers are jumping to conclusions about Littlefinger here. He's playing Bolton, with his "I don't know much about your son" line, much like he played Ned.

Yes, they are. Cat received word from Bolton that the Ironborn murdered her sons when Ramsay took the castle. That's the only reason Sansa is considered the Heir to Winterfell, because as boys both Bran and Rickon supersede her claim. That was the whole point of the "Ramsay pretends to be Theon's friend" plot,

And then that "one armed Bolton" soldier would experience a death that makes the Bolton flaying look merciful.

Yet, Bolton knows they can't hold the North without her. It doesn't matter if the other armies are gone, the Bolton army is still outnumbered like WHOA

Sansa has the rest of the North. They Remember

Also, Yukio from Wolverine as the new Red Priestess was inspired, I hope we see her again.

It doesn't matter if she's suspected. The North Remembers and doesn't give a fuck if a Stark murders the traitorous Boltons.

One of the women lingered on is Ramsey's paramour, that hunts live women with him. I can't imagine she's too pleased by the marriage proposal.

Kara was talking to her mother, who sent her the picture that enabled her to resume her identity.

This is true and a criminal misuse of Indira Varma. I was very excited when she was cast, and I can respect the necessity of adapting and enlarging her story when you cast Indira Varma for the small book role of Ellaria, but THIS? It SUX

My guess is he sent the viper and necklace to provoke a response from the Lannisters, all the while intending to never hurt Myrcella. This will come back and bite him, because Ellaria and the Sand Snakes are now wild cards.

Cal can't go home to Jianying, they split up over the loss of Daisy. Finding Daisy has been all a part of his delusion of getting back with Jianying.

Cal is the one who saved her, he's known all along she was still alive. They split over the loss of Daisy, so his drive to find her has been all about "If I can find Daisy, I can reunite my family"


I think what Fitz saw when he looked at the monitors was that she was copying it, not working on it, which gave him his clue that he needed to leave.

but they are Inhumans now.

I have no idea why you would think registration has anything to do with Civil War the movie, just because it's in Civil War the comic. The movies taken from comic titles have had little to do with those arcs. Yes, something will make Steve and Tony disagree, but registration only "worked" because people cared about

No Infinty Wars was pushed back as well. The movie order is almost the same, SSM comes before BP now, everything else still follows the same pattern.

In the Caribbean apparently. Coulson got to the bar on foot, and Hunter was headed back to base.