
Torstein had blood poisoning up his neck before they ever removed his ar, he wasn't GOING to heal. So letting him die fighting was the way to ensure he would go to Valhalla, in Ragnar Rollo & Bjorn's eyes, they were doing him a favor.

The impression I got from Simmons was that Skye had been forcing the tremors inward the entire time. It was only during the confrontation at the field that she finally started doing noticeable damage.

Especially if he and Bobbi have their canon comics relationship, just so Hunter can have something else to whine about.

Unfortunately, Jaime Alexander has signed a tv deal with CBS, so no full time Sif on AOS.

I don't know if you could read too much into that. My local market, and I know mine wasn't the only one, preempted the finale for a basketball game.

Read Howard Hughes as Howard Stark, and The Rocketeer is a perfect prequel to today's Marvel movies.

I assume Lin knows who Su's father is so not that big a mystery to the characters. Just to us

Everything Changed when the Original Bei Fong Attacked

Bolin is worried about the collateral damage his bending could do to flesh. Melting the mechs creates casualties.

She could be like a kung fu Inspector Gadget!

That's because none of them are stunt doubled by Heidi Moneymaker

BJ Britt is listed as a regular on another show.

No, the initial order was for two seasons, 13 eps each. It got picked up for another 26 eps over two more seasons within weeks of the S1 premiere.

The entire point of Gloria's flashback was to demonstrate that she's way too vulnerable to a sob story.