AeroSport Photography

Wonderful win for Ocon, heck of a drive for Seb too, and what a phenomenal job of Alonso holding off Hamilton just long enough to keep him from simply Mercedes-ing past all the lesser cars ahead of him.

I’d allow it. When I hear a vehicle is “built to last” I always think it’s meant in a mechanical sense.

Oh man, what a great image. Just an old bearded deity suddenly appearing in the driver’s seat, and freaking out. “How the shit did I get here oh I know how do I drive this oh that’s how too late!”

Woman: “I have faith in God, He won’t let me crash”

Was anyone else convinced this was going to be an autobiographical post?

“I thought I was going to die but god saved me.”

Most people push back and don’t allow it. They figure they just need a few people who have fuck you money and want to be first.

Having driven coaches and transit buses back in the day for Northern Illinois University, they really are much better with automatics. 35' long clutch and throttle linkages do not make for snappy gearchanges. But if you can drive a stickshift bus with an air throttle smoothly, you can drive about anything.

More like an airport car I’d say.

yes but he would have caved if they had set the scene to “Hallelujah

Maybe the earth demon was tired of Indian food and wanted some Korean.

Once they trot out the show, I bet it has a good run.  

I would argue that you are generalizing. I’m not in any of the socio-economic strata where $10k bikes are feasible, but I know people who are and do, and they don’t strike me as unhealthy or obsessed. They just really like bikes, spending that much on them doesn’t mean they have to cut back on any of their essentials

One great thing about MB (if just setting aside the cost) is that all the parts are available for almost any car they have manufactured. I heard that once about the brand.

You should see how we get fucked on healthcare.

Tough to feel sympathy for such a transparent effort to skirt a law when building them in the US would have not run afoul of this problem.

TLDR: Don’t be a Baku-yaro!

I really really want one of these, but I’m 6'5" and unwilling to cut off my legs.

Maybe it’s too many years living in New Mexico and Texas, but that is definitely the hippest Border Patrol car I’ve seen.

From a few years ago, on a street with a 35mph limit: