Aeron Michaelangelo

And yes, I really did open the system to check out the internals. Yeah, I know it's collectible and all. But it looked like everything *should* be in working order and I wanted to know if it really had PSOne guts in it. And it does. There's just that little extra board stuck to the top and wired to the power

Kiryu was born with a frown. He probably looked even older in his infancy.


6 characters, 8 cars and 16 tracks for $12 is DLC pricing done right.

As a resident of Portland, I can assure you this is simply the bi-monthly meeting of the Model Biplane, Craft Brew and Tattoo Club. Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.

*begins counting down until this appears in "HistoryPics" Twitter feed*

imagine how much more expensive the battle scenes would be if they had to hire thousands of extras, provide them with costumes and weapons, and in some cases get horses for them. I've stopped complaining about CGI. Now all I ask is that it looks good. And here it does.

Now playing

Yoko Kanno sure makes some amazing songs.

I know that Bungie has claimed they've had that tech since Halo CE and Martin O'Donnell claims the same, saying he organizes his music into suites that change depending on the player actions. He also claims that's why some gamers hear music in-game that's not in the CDs.

I might be completely off-base, but someone correct me.

I am starting a church where Lena Headey can be naked all the time. In fact it is the first commandment.

I'd say, quite the opposite! The first university that CANNOT be stripped of knowledge with fire.

Ah, the Bugs Bunny approach.

one of my irrational fears is gravity inverting. That clip practically gave me a panic attack

"'Go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning' is the human version of 'Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?'"