Aeron Michaelangelo

Sadly we've all played this game in one form or another.

Ronald Moore also did many episodes of TNG, executive produced DS9, and was a major player in Star Trek First Contact, all of which had their share of humor and lighter material. Consider evaluating the man by his entire portfolio, not just one piece of it.

I love these villians. They are like the chaotic version of the Gaang.

I guess they failed to properly ride the knock up stream to Skypea.

They should have blown Harry Kim into space and replaced him with an alternate universe version of himself for the rest of the show.

Bisexual horny Kira > normal Kira.

That snake is much more committed to the role than the otter.

Presumably the artist likes that style of art. They aren't going for photorealism here so I wouldn't worry about it.
XKCD's art is even more anorexic.

Mario is Resourceful...

Obligatory (We miss you, Owen)

... or can you?

I think you have an overinflated picture of MGS2's significance.