Aeron Michaelangelo

Haha! Man, that would have been awesome to have my first viewing of the movie force me to guess what the Kilngons were saying.

Quick, someone draw Spider-Man far more ridiculously than this so we can call it even!

[Raid] Does anyone need the drop from the Boomkin boss or can we strafe past him?

08th MS Team is the best Gundam series ever! Exceptional artwork and character writing.

This looks like Chell and a hint as to the plot of Portal 3.

No ma'am, I'm from Tennessee. No ma'am, I'm with the 56th mechanized & cavalry unit. Not to be confused with the 56th mechanized cavalry unit, which uses robo-horses. Damn those guys are fast...

My father had an HO train set in the garage when I was a kid. He had a special eraser and oils that you were suppose to massage the metal tracks with whenever the train slowed or became unresponsive on that section of track. Dirt and dust buildup was to blame and simply dusting it off may help a little but wasn't a

Honestly, this is good. Iron Man is the most played (not played out, not yet) part of the current Marvel movie franchise, the risk is really high that it will burn itself out if they keep going. I'm content with continued appearances in ensemble movies like Avengers and possibly cameos in a certain TV show?


I'm doing exactly this for my essays. The Alex voice synthesizer is natural enough that I use it to decide if I should rewrite a sentence for style because it sounds weird when spoken, and not just because there's a grammar error.

ISS: I'm sorry Houston, that's never happened before.

The cold never bothered her anyways?

Maybe she dies in both, and it turns out her schedule will be wide open after a few weeks.

GameBoy Color playing a B&W version of Pokemon colors. Me likes.

That's why I said it should have been an option you could have used if you wanted, not something that happened automatically... which is exactly what DOES happen when you get into a vehicle.

The actual aircraft are smaller than they appear.

"There it is again. Someone sent me an email with the words 'Sent from my iPhone'. I'm going to have to see what this iPhone business is all about someday..."

I would lose all the shits if I ever tried to be an air traffic controller. God bless them.

Oh, super. AMC just got acquired by Disney.