Aeron Michaelangelo

*Clickers dump a bucket of ice on Joel*

I think a certain Kotaku blogger has been awake for a little too long...

Sister Jenkins thought she could handle those hatchlings on her own...

I actually wondered about this years and years ago (read: when Myst was the most visually realistic game on the market). What if the reason CGI (remember when we used to call it that?) looks fake is not because of the resolution but because of things like lighting and shadows and other visual effects.

*waits for JJ Abrams to make a video of him talking about the movie then getting abducted by a group of sand people who then dump a bucket of ice water/space tadpoles on his head*

I'm so old I remember when it was the "At symbol"!

Feminist, take note. You see? You CAN voice a legitimate issue with sexual inequality and corrupted moral values without trying to damn an entire gender.

It would be right at home in the DDR fan project "foonmix" if that was still around.

He was then forced to purchase 1004 hot dog buns, because that's the way they package them for no reason.


Toronto: All ships report in.

And it's got a pokey stick!

Music by Eric Serra not listed as a sin.

It looks like they took the art for Twilight Princess and made it not dark and grimy.


MUCH better.

They'd better name the rover Knight if they do that. There should be two of them as well; Knight 1 and Knight 2. :)

"You are wonderful."