Aeron Michaelangelo

Damn, Sesame Street, why you gotta be so relevant and with the times? :)


Ow, right in the nostalgia!

Please open the overhead compartments with caution, as objects may have shifted during flight.

I otter star you.

Holy mother of yes!

Is Bioware going to make an honest-to-god horror game?

Don't Listen to Naysayers

A wipe of Jenkins.

The CIC meets a Starfleet bridge?

No! Don't move! Set it to passive set it to- DISMISS, DISMISS YOUR FUCKING- PLAY DEAD!! PLAY DEAD!! GODDAMMIT!!!

Bank alts, yo.

Using the Saints The Third engine.

The precinct's Captain is reportedly taking blood pressure medication after finding out that his men blew the ammunition budget for the next five years.

I lost from here to Timbuktu.

Well, we've confirmed you don't live anywhere in Asia or the United States of America...

Every single time ScarJo's voice cracks...

"with naked vagina"

In case you haven't heard, Nintendo could use the cash.