LEGO Skyrim
LEGO Skyrim
Kind of missing a few evolutions at the end...
The Commissioner abides.
Now who's the Hand of the King? Ho ho ho ho... no one? Really? I'll be going...
One problem, though. I hate exercise—with a passion—and it’s hard to be motivated to wake up early and do something you hate. Thus, I had to make exercise fun somehow—hence the idea of using DDR as a weight loss method. Last year I wrote a bit on how it was working, but I never did quite get the results I was hoping…
Fireplaces probably. As well as layered clothes and bedding. As for me I'll stick with my AC unit. :3
The Hunger Games: Mocking Naked People
Wanted: Secretary, must be experienced, willing to work long hours. Zero risk of epileptic seizures.
I was under the impression that Disney very publicly based the movie off The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson. If it bears similarities to this Anime, then it makes more sense to say the Anime is also based on that book, not one on the other.
Jack set his tray down on an empty table. Jill followed his lead. To anyone else, they looked like a younger couple enjoying their lunch break together. To anyone else, it seemed like their conversation was just innocent banter.
I was just about the make the same comparison!
"Just because I like you doesn't mean I won't kill you."
Top image: Bronn from Game of Thrones and Garak from Deep Space Nine. Who do you think would win in a fight between those two?
Dubstep (Skrillex)
The sun isn't setting, the Earth is.