
I assumed it was meant to bring her character arc full circle. In the beginning she was obsessed with the handsome charismatic prince who was rotten on the inside. But by the end, she begins to fall for his ugly brother who has wisdom, showing one of the many ways that she has grown up and given up her childish fairy

I’m still convinced that the story should end with Danny melting down the Iron Throne.

This was my biggest gripe. I get that it’s more costly and more difficult to render realistic hairy mammals than it is to render scaly shiny dragons, but Jesus. With a budget of over $15million an episode this season ghost deserves to be front and center with Jon snow in battle. He is literally the living embodiment


Plus, Arya pulled the same dagger trick she did when she sparred with Brienne to get NK. I loved that.

Holy shit I could drink bourbon until I was border line comatose and come up with a better strategy than that.

We just learned his motivation last episode and it kind of sucked. 

The Night King only did his “I can raise the dead bit” because he really wasn’t afraid Jon could hurt him.

Think you’re right in the preview for a split second it looked like there were two dragons in that shot.

For the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors, and Dude, Try Fiddling With The Contrast Or Set It On “Vivid,” I Dunno, Maybe It’s Time To Upgrade To 4K, I Hear Alien Looks Amazing In UHD

I was assuming she did something like that to get close. But the red woman told her that she would shut blue eyes forever, not utilize them.

Not to be snarky or anything, but I think this keeps Jon’s record of never actually winning a battle in tact.

If they prophecy made it clear from the start that the Long Night was literally just the one long night it would have eased a lot of anxiety.

Most. Badass. Little lady warrior. EVER.

Fantastic episode! One of my favorites of any season.

It was a little death.

Brienne of Tarthe has LEVELLED UP!!

I’m not even supposed to be here today!

I had the same reaction with Arya and then I thought about how I’ve watched her brutally murder people in countless violent ways and not felt the same apprehensiveness and realized that we live in a pretty messed up society.

Loved Brienne’s knighting ceremony. Especially when she cracked at the end :).