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Just remember, Disney: steady the camera, use wide angles, and never cut on hit.

Of course he can do a killer pirouette. Boy has been on the West End dancing his little heart out. <3  This cast is so damn charming.

Princess Bride not Diaries

Two different debts/loans.

In this story I’ve never wanted anyone in power who wanted it. I thought/hoped Sansa would break things up somewhat democratically in the aftermath but she’s still totally a monarchist and even laughed at Samwell. Begone to the North!

Edmure is so bad at everything he couldn’t even manage to win or lose the Game of Thrones. He just got the participation trophy

Edmure: So, I’d like to just say...
Sansa: No, just no.
Edmure: ... :( 

To be honest, I was 100% expecting Jon to die the once he sent Ghost north. Then a final shot of the series would be Ghost wandering alone in the frozen north, symbolic of Jon's spirit being freed or some such. But yeah, I am fine with Jon literally winding up being free to live out his life in the north. But

Edmure did want the throne though, he was speechifying to say hey guys elect me. So really, even his wanting the throne had disastrous results.

I like this finale quite a bit, and found it about as satisfying as one could hope for from such a sprawling, massive story.

You know, I was thinking about Bran’s ascension to the throne after the finale aired last night, and a though occurred to me:

Had they not done something to show Ghost some love, well, there would be words....much screaming....and words.

Brienne as lord commander was definitely one of the best parts of the episode along with the small council meeting.

My new favorite Game Of Thrones cover band: Jon Bron Braavosi

Just a couple of story comments:

Stabbed through the heart,
And you’re to blame!

I don't know why everyone is so sure Dany will be the one to burn kings Landing. Dragon fire isn't the only way to nuke a city. Wildfire does a pretty good job too, and I know someone who has lots of it. I can even see Cersei setting it up that way so that even if she goes down she can take out the city and make it

Sadface emoji

My Jaime/Brienne ship just went down like Dany’s fleet. (Although I think he did it partly because he doesn’t think he deserves her as much he feels like he needs to take down Cersei. Suddenly Arya wearing Jaime’s face got more likely.)

I knew this episode was going too smoothly. But I didn't expect a dragon to die.