It had lots of Tobias acting his socks off, so naturally I was all in. And Sam has clearly worked hard on his French, which was much better (even if he did say “Dame” like the brassy 40s kind).
It had lots of Tobias acting his socks off, so naturally I was all in. And Sam has clearly worked hard on his French, which was much better (even if he did say “Dame” like the brassy 40s kind).
Especially the cattle. They nailed the rampaging scene, hit their marks perfectly.
Oh, I am a Tatiana super fan. How she hasn’t won all the awards is beyond me. Fuck, give her an ESPY. I know she’s not a pro athlete but she deserves it. Obviously, this isn’t to the same degree as “Orphan Black”, but I'm just blown away by how nuanced Tobias managed to be in all this when he could have made it…
Outlander is the first TV show I’ve ever seen that has erotiized the female gaze so effectively and that has totally reversed so many historical romance tropes. If there are other TV shows that are doing this an aren't being discussed, please let me know!
Pretty much. Not since Irreversible have I witnessed something so brutal, devastating and well acted. Something I don’t regret watching but I will never watch again.
I finished watching it a few hours ago and I’m still processing everything. It was hard to watch. And while the main argument for displeasure with it seems to be that a lot of it was unnecessary or gratuitous (and I totally get that though that isn’t my complete view) overall feeling is that...I’m glad that they…
I have been waiting forever to share this story with people who know what I’m talking about! I lived in London last year, and one night I was dining at this private club and Tobias Menzies was at the next table. I don’t think he had even been cast in this role yet, I didn’t know his name, but I had seen his on Spooks,…
I read the first few Outlander books years ago, so vaguely remembered what was coming. (In the book, IIRC, Jamie tells Claire about what happened, but that wouldn’t have made for very compelling tv.) It occurred to me that we so rarely (if ever?) see situations on tv or in movies where a man experiences sexual trauma…
Tobias did amazing work in this episode, but let’s be clear, Caitriona and especially Sam (Claire and Jamie) were brilliant as well. This was masterful acting. I knew it was coming, but it still ripped me to shreds. All the Emmys to the cast for this.
I was really impressed with all three of them in this episode. The emotion Jamie was showing on his face at the very end was incredible— the sheer terror in his eyes as Black was “just getting started” was perfect, in a completely heartbreaking and horrifying way.
I like that they threw some wolf howls in, but I was going “oh c’mon, don’t fuck around with the wolf scene, we’ve only got one episode left to get to the end of book one!” so I was kinda glad when Angus (my favorite of the show posse) shows up instead.
That is fabulous. I didn't realize this was a post. I am eagerly reading it right now.
It was like RDM heard my call for male full frontal but like an evil genie decided to give it to us in the saddest, unsexiest way possible.
I replied on another blog about this, but I have been having more thoughts and want to expand further.