
"Still, he's no Dan Marino" — drunk Dolphin fan, somewhere, unsure of whether he buys his own bullshit

Funny how Baldwin directed this at Revis, who held him to one catch for 3 yards.

"That's between me and the person it was directed at."

I really hope the NFL fines him for that crap.

<5 yards from Line of Scrimmage. Also, he was playing the ball, not the man.

Now that's the kind of conspiratorial thinking Pete Carroll could get behind.

Did it piss anyone else off that Julian Edleman was on the podium and not Butler?

Knocking down a player? You really are a sore loser.

The 2015 version needs skis.

Seattle Seahawks back to back championship shirts now on sale in bangladesh.

Suck it haters!

Suck it, '12s.' See you next time the bandwagon rolls through town.

Give Seattle credit. As the defending champion heel, they tried to get DQ'd at the end and keep the title belt. Flair would be proud.

What we really know is that we are talking about PSI instead of hitting women, beating children, and murder. The NFL's PR department deserves a fucking Nobel Prize.

Fared better than that poor kid Nationwide killed.

Listed as "doubtful". I'd hate to see what " out" looks like.

So now we have to deal with old balls too! When will this madness end!?

9/11 Truthers Love Pete Carroll

In most of the country, the answer to the title question would be "Purchase a firearm; learn how to use it." I'm not sure if that option's available to you, though.