
Yes. The practice squad players get rings.


That joke when right over your head.... see below

1-5 from the 1 yard line all season...

Lynch was 1 for 5 from the 1 yard line... soo....

You can't hit a dude to keep from getting the ball. But, you have equal right to the ball as a DB. That means you can go through him, provided you are making a play on the ball. So you can level the WR, like Butler did, if you try to make an interception, like Butler did.

Why is the rally car running a sequential? The only car I have seen that people often fit with a sequential is the wrx (with a kaps). Most other track and rally cars I see have a stick. Why do other cars not run a sequential that often?

Nevermind, I got the joke! whoops

I am a kid :) Still in high school, but at least I can drive in the snow.

Warning: tired rant about bad drivers, selection below

I am currently playing football in high school, and haven't been required to wear one since elementary school. I have not worn one since 4th grade. I know of no high schools around me, public, prep, catholic, or private, that require their boys to wear one.

You must not have ever played football. Cups get in the way. You wear a supporter, or a jock, or compression shorts to keep everything held up and away, thus minimizing the "target area," but no player wears a cup over the age of seven.

Spygate, I feel is a whole other issue. That is like saying you are a repeat offender because you got in a fender bender a few years after being convicted of vehicular manslaughter.

How is someone this dumb not a grey?

Are you stupid, uninformed, or a troll? I can't really tell. Both teams provide their own balls. How is BB a repeat offender?

You realize everyone was doing it, and he was ratted out by a disgruntled former assistant who was upset he got fired for sucking? And then bitched about getting caught doing the same thing, while BB and the Patriots shut up and took the punishment. There are many things that every team does that are blatantly against

You realize everyone was doing it, and he was ratted out by a disgruntled former assistant who was upset he got fired for sucking? And then bitched about getting caught doing the same thing, while BB and the Patriots shut up and took the punishment. There are many things that every team does that are blatantly against

The tackle eligible is a classic play that my 65 year old father used in high school. (Solder's TD)

I understand this is cheating, if it is true and unexplainable, but why are people calling for the Patriots to be pulled from the SB and BB to be booted? The Patriots using doctored balls does nothing to cover the fact that the Colts only scored seven points. The patriots scored 3 rushing tuddys, and had 177yd over 40

My only question is: If they were trying to cheat, and they turned the ball over to the NFL, then why in the hell did they not re-inflate the balls? Even if they were turned in immediately after the game, what is to stop the tea from re-inflating them on the sideline near the end of the game? If the ball seemed