
Is...Is this even a question? Or does he think he is bragging?

Unless you are skiing or hiking, STAY AWAY. Even hiking, you better be packing, lest you stumble across some angry hick's cabin

Y'all better leave... We don't take kindly to you folk 'round these parts...

It really sucks to have your shirt pulled over your head in a fight. That is how to end up with a mangled face. You are just getting pummeled and can do nothing to protect yourself. Its really good idea to take off your shirt.... provided you don't get attacked while doing so.


Because all the DBs want to look like badasses.

I'm an engine snob. I'll admit. The flagship sports car has a 6? No thanks. I don't car how much power or turbo it has, I need at least 8 cyl to like the noise.

Can I star this twice? But yes. Yes indeed.

10.) Mercedes G-Wagen

The thing is with sports, you never know. That is why there are upsets. We have seen teams make impossible stands, "perfect" QBs throw picks, fumbles, ect. Sometimes, it could be a play out of Rodgers' control, like a WR-caused pick or fumble. If Rodgers gets pressured, his running game was considerably worse due to

The NFL should do reviews from New York, like the NHL does (with Toronto, of course) . This removes the refs in the "heat of the moment" from having to overturn their own calls, and it protects the refs from scrutiny. The NFL would have the first and final say on a review. Also, the people who made the rules would now

"Nor does the ever-popular debate over whether Bryant was making a "football move"—that phrase appears nowhere in the rules."

Ride height is a help in the snow. At work, all of our plow trucks are large dump trucks or pickups, and the pickups usually have a lift. I used to plow, shovel and salt/sand in an s-10, and the low "truck" would get hung up on everything. I would get hung up on snow, even with weight, snow tires, and 4wd, backing out

At around 8:30, when they fire it up, is that dust coming from the engine?

6.) XXX Deaths Per Year

It's a product of the fans' and the players' masculinity. I currently play highschool ball, and to tell a coach or teammates that I wanted to boycott the game because someone plays dirty would mean the end of my social life, because I'd be labeled a "pussy." Coaches would tell you to man up and do something dirty to

As a teen, I'd love to own a new car. But my parents, who could buy me a cheap new car, told me I had to buy my own. I agree with that philosophy of earning your own stuff; it instills a pride in what you have. So myself, and many of my friends, buy old cars and/or cars with a lot of miles. I'd hope to see a study

Refusing to play because a "That guy hurt me!" would guarantee the end of their careers, public lives, and any chance of doing anything sports related, after they were immediately released by the team. "Hey, aren't you that b*tch who wouldn't play against Suh? Much better to go down in history as the guy who ended his

I'm willing to bet that I'll talk about Hellcats the way my father talks about the SS Chevelles, 442s, GTOs, COPOs, BOSS 429s and the 440 'Cudas. I hope to god this starts a trend of ridiculously overpowered true modern muscle. I want a factory 800hp big block SS Cruze.