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Have you ever been tested to see if your a psychopath?

Yep. Still gives me chills after all this time.

There are still a few of us out there who totally boycott any product with IAP’s. I’m getting an ipad for xmas, primarily to play ‘real’ games so this makes me excited.

I think a lot of people don’t know how to tend a fire...even an electronic one.

I think a lot of people don’t know how to tend a fire...even an electronic one.

Yep. I’ve had one for a couple years. The thing works great.

Yep. I’ve had one for a couple years. The thing works great.

Yeah. I like them too.

at 1/16 gravity? Yep. I think I would.

Oh noes...nice guys and sexism....does that mean their won’t be any SJW’s in the theater? WOooHOooo!

uh....what? I think we read different books.

FF15 was terrible, terrible game, but the cars and camp chairs made sense as FF has mixed modern elements with their fantasy for a long time and in a way that mix of sci-fi, mundane technology and magic is their brand.

Best case scenario is that you somehow make it crash, thats why they do it. They are just too stupid to realize they aren’t going to make that happen with the little lasers they have. And oddly, people with powerful lasers don’t want to crash random helicopters.

Thats why we would have to use a massive simultaneous pre-emptive nuclear strike. Its a small country I think you would only need a couple hundred nuclear weapons to completely destroy it to the point where it couldn’t possibly retaliate.

Yeah, that would be insane, the only military option for north korea is totally annihilation via nuclear weapons. That could be done with the push of a button thousands of miles away. Tens of millions of deaths but not American ones. Boots on the ground....that would be madness, no way to win that war.

And even if he was there would be civil war.

I don’t see why we would need to lose a single American life.

And they would actually be right.

So you are really suggesting that the goverment restrict us even more? Your opinion is disgusting.

Not a single game on that list interests me. Sigh.

Focus group?

Almost everyday, they usually go like this....”What should we put on TV to listen to?” Usually its something we have seen many times so the visuals are memorized and don’t matter.. Startrek is pretty common since there are like 500 episodes on netflix