
Lame. The Great Lakes interface is surprisingly clean and helpful.

I was about to explain to you why your argument is wrong and fucked up. Then I read your comment history....

That’s awful. I’m sorry your family is dealing with this. I know it is no consolation right now, but I’m so grateful to her and the other medical professionals who are caring for these patients.  

Overall it’s been fine, but there have been very difficult moments during the day and heightened stress by the severe schedule disruption and complete unknown of when we will return to some sort of normal.

It’s a good suggestion! My son keeps asking for extra chores he can do during the day to make a little extra money on top of his allowance. If he’s going to be stuck here with zero playdates, dude wants to earn a little cash to buy some new mini-figs as we wait this crisis out. He has folded lots of laundry the past

Mine’s still only 3, but she keeps trying to increase the complexity of the bedtime routine. Brush teeth, pajamas, read a book, go say goodnight to daddy, tuck in, sing a song, kiss goodnight. She’s always trying to add new things or make the existing ones more complicated. Like insisting that we read the book in the

The most important factor in any cookie’s deliciousness is whether it’s hot and fresh from the oven, and with a bag of B&Bs you can have exactly as many hot, fresh cookies as you want, whenever you want, in just 15 minutes.

Which is why I can’t keep break and bake or any other form of cookie dough in my fridge, because

Sandwich solidarity!!

He cannot put into words why it’s suddenly so off-putting but if I cut sandwiches out completely just for the sake of trying to back him into a corner, I’d be making lunch-packing a much more difficult task for myself. And the more he’s *forced* to eat something, the more grossed out he gets. So rather than push the

The trick with bread butts (er, heels) is to just turn them inside out so the crust faces inward.

You’re right; once they turn 18, it’s a whole different situation. I will look into writing a piece about how to help your adult children with mental health disorders.

You can always vent here. That really does sound incredibly hard and you’re absolutely right that mental illness affects everyone in the home.

I understand this article is more preliminary- but I have two young siblings who have mental health disorders- and I feel like an important thing is to mentally allow yourself to admit that other parents suck. One of my brothers is high functioning autism spectrum, but on top of that has suffered from severe

Mine are kind of negative? I guess. I always heard “You have no idea how much you’ll love them!” so I had a pretty lovely idea of parenting. But in reality here are my “I wish I knew!”

I honestly thought I’d have a better gut feeling on what to do. Like there would be this motherhood instinct that would kick in and

You will lie. You will look into the sweet face of an innocent child and lie your ass off. “They don’t make batteries for that really loud firetruck toy anymore.” “That siren is the police coming to check if all the kids are in bed.” “I’m sending an email to Santa if you don’t stop right now.” You WILL become a filthy

Friend convinced me to switch to Google Fi, got a robocall, Google tagged it as such, asked me if I wanted them to filter them out going forward, haven’t gotten another one since then. I think I’m a customer for life.

“The routine maintenance. Unexpected plumbing repairs. Maybe a yard. The fact that you suddenly have 17 windows that need something covering them.”

I’ve read in a couple places that if you’re young and expecting your salary to grow, to not fee guilty about going bigger and being house-poor for a couple years. I’m not a fan of that advice. I bought something that was affordable when I bought it. All that extra money I get as my pay goes up usually goes straight to

I mean, I hate to sound like a jerk but, are people honestly buying houses assuming they can afford them by budgeting only for the monthly mortgage payment and nothing else you listed here?

Im selling my house right now and going back to renting (for a lot of reasons) but one of them is that I’ve honestly hated every second of owning a house except that I can say I bought a house at 26.