
I’m power washin my shhhhiitt this weekend.

Here’s one that’s free - wipe down your front door and windows. A little elbow grease goes a long way.

My pediatrician told us, “It is not your job to make your child eat. It is your job to put healthy food in front of them 3 times a day.” It was good for the feeding problems stage but more widely applicable. You can’t make a kid do certain thing, but you can provide them the opportunities and supplies to do the right

My go to reply is “can’t get pregnant the way we do it”.

I also have an only child. It seems like 18 months to 3 years was when everyone assumed another one would be coming along and couldn’t keep their mouths shut about it.

When our son was about 18 months old, people would say we should have another because it’s easy. And every time, I asked if two kids were easier than one. Nobody ever said it was. And Sam is a very happy, well-adjusted only child.

My wife and I have been married almost four years, and before we got engaged we discussed as a couple our expectations on this very topic. We decided we didn’t want to have children of our own, but instead wanted to spoil any nieces and nephews that we have. People simply couldn’t understand and would constantly tell

This is why I tell any friends about to have a baby that my absolute best advice is to take everyone else’s advice with a good sized grain of salt. It is amazing how some parents find a way of doing things that works for their specific child and then turn around and dispense that thing like it is this unimpeachable

Brene Brown calls this “foreboding joy.” It’s the inability to enjoy a good thing because you don’t believe it will last. The reality is, however, that maybe you will always have a good baby and anyone who suggests otherwise can f-off. Our 1st started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old (consistently at 9 weeks)

I would posit that the point when you show that you truly appreciate the monetary value of your time is when you pay for movers.