
Well said.

Nice. I need to try this.

Once, a friend who wasn't interested in playing SF against me at the time, more-or-less mashed controller buttons with their foot.

Love it

I really want to pick apart this post, but doing so would require me to write an essay-like reply on the topic.

Now playing

This Day9 episode helped me immensely. It focuses on the fundamental mechanics: where to look on the screen, how to hold you mouse and keyboard, how to manage your hotkeys, etc.

Day9, my friend.

Just bought 3D Dot Heroes. Thanks for the tip!

There are no words, because it’s freaking MORTAL KOMBAT ON ICE.

I agree. I was into the more realistic—or should I say grounded?—take the the trailer and first Legacy episode had. This? Not so much.

Whatever. They'd upset those who preordered for the PS3 and 360.

How did I miss this title!?

I love how all the starred commenters know who you're talking about.

Well said.

Trying to get excited about it...

The Boss.

1. Demon's Souls - the perfect game, IMHO

Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Now playing

I'm in love with the film techniques of this Resistance 3 teaser. So dirty. So real.

Primal Rage? Clayfighter? Fatal Instinct!?