
What they've done to the Ghost Recon series really pains me. That game used to rival Operation Flashpoint insofar as planning and tactics went. Now the characters are basically unkillable F-16s on legs, overkilling everything in their path.

I too didn't like Black Ops. Or LA Noire for that matter.

I feel like the Rainbow 6 series kind of lost its way: each iteration is more watered down. I feel like the SWAT series eclipsed Rainbow (and anything associated with Clancy, btw) as the better squad-based tactical shooter.

Do you mean MSG4?

"Console Battlefield 3 is Half the FPS of Modern Warfare 3"



These are the same hackers that took down PBS.

Please tell me they're using their models from Take On Helicopter in ArmA3

I'm not going to spoil HR for you. Just know that, IMHO, you're in for a treat.



I saw almost no coverage of World of Tanks, League of Legends, Eve Online, and others. I had to navigate to the corporate websites for each of those to see the latest.

Pretty much.

I honestly can't believe LA Noire doesn't have a branching storyline.

Skip OFP and get ArmA II.

I used to play World of Tanks (WoT), but League of Legends tore me away.

Oh, don't get me wrong. The production values are top notch, especially the acting and the technology used to render the faces. The story telling, too, is really well done.

This is it, my friend. I've been with the series since OFP, and can tell you its not uncommon to spend hours in a single mission—all to be one-shotted from an unseen foe. Trust me, you'll be vested in the life of your character and hugging the ground like none other.

Loving the image associated with this post.