
Honestly, I'm okay with one-time passes for retail owners, and requiring used-game purchasers to pay $5 to $10 for access to content that retail buyers got for free.

I remember the BFBC2 beta, that was a bit different than the final product. But the biggest differences between beta and final product were MAG and Star Trek Online.

@Xfirus: The track reminded me of the London track from GT5 Prologue. That was an pretty technical and short downtown track.

@nntt: Oh. I see your point. Yeah. I'm not sure why our peers are eager to go to bed with...that.

@nntt: I think that's the point. When I first looked at this, I was like: 'man, what have the Zerg done to her?'

@Rexter: You're right, competition is a good thing.

@Mokon: Too bad games like GT5, KZ2, Demon Souls, and MSG4 weren't launch titles for the PS3. Maybe if they had, maybe the console's adoption rate may have been higher.

@yanipheonu: I've really been meaning to get into that series. I'm glad to hear you're having a good time playing it.

@ARYXANDRE: Believe me, I hear you. HAWX2 left a lot to be desired. It left me feeling empty. I played and uninstalled it quicker than it took to download the 2000MB file.

@jezz.torrent: Ah. I haven't tried Crysis. Far Cry 1 was pretty good. Far Cry 2, not so much, still felt like interconnected paths.

@sentry_zero: So true. MGS3 was pretty awesome. Pretty immersive.

@meh_siah: Not to restart an old subject, but—personally—I enjoy the weighter controls in KZ2, especially when compared to MW2.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I think BF:BC2 managed to balance vehicles pretty well. Anyone who played the BF:BC2 beta will tell you that it takes a ton of play testing and tweaking to make vehicles both viable and somewhat vulnerable.

@Splotch Eleven: The only game I can think that has truly 'omg-i'm freakin' overwhelmed' jungle-ish and woodland combat scenes is Operation Flashpoint and ARMA and ARMA2.

Honestly, I can't think of a modern FPS that really nailed jungle warfare. Most jungle scenes have paths so discrete they make the player feel like they're on rails.

There's really no need for the picture-in-picture to get the point across.

@Parsifal: Is there any way to play GC1 multiplayer anymore? I know it's freeware, but I thought they took down the servers. Can you even play LAN???