
@LAGamer: I'm glad EA's execs can sleep easier knowing that gamers like me exist.

I'm really hoping DA2 has a speech system as robust as ME1 and ME2's. The DA1 text-based speech system—where I never heard my character's voice—never let me get fully immersed in the game.

As a PS3/PC owner, I played ME1 on a friend's borrowed 360, and ME2 on my own PC. I haven't finished ME2, and may just hold off it means I can play ME2 (and hopefully ME3) on my PS3.

To be fair, remember how America's Army allowed all players, regardless of their side, to play as American soldiers? It was a neat concept at the time: both the red team saw their teammates as Americans and the blue team as the 'bad guys', and vice versa.

@Etto: I never played as a spell-caster.

@Parsifal: I loved the original GC multiplayer, but found GC2's lent itself to overly long battles.

@Ccomfort: Nope! Looks like they're just re-blogging reports from other blogs.

@Orberen: Hell, playing GTA in another time period, like the roaring 20's. (And yes, I know about the Gangster and Mafia games.)

@Orberen: Playing GTA in another country, like Cuba, could be fun.

I hope that the player's character get's a voice this time, so that the dialoug system is more like Mass Effect 2's.

@theBMB: Versus is a stand-alone game. Not a tie-in, not a sequel. Instead, it's a wholly independent story.

Now playing

@theBMB: My understanding is that the combat in both FFXIII and FFXIII versus were inspired by the FF: Advent Children movie: quick swordplay with lots of cinematic acrobatic action

Is there anything like this for the Nook?

@xXZEBRAXx: Let me give you a rundown:

@Amnesiac85: I'm in the same situation. I can easily play these titles on my 60 gig PS3, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy these two games again. Classics, both of them.

@Neige: I'd rather they do so by offering a free version bundled with ads, then with a making us pay for what we once had free but they blocked 'cause of a change in their ToS.

@C22DBlueKnightOne: The point he's trying to make is that this service was once free.