and then she uses her disgusting bare shit-hand to get more napkins right from the dispenser!!!
and then she uses her disgusting bare shit-hand to get more napkins right from the dispenser!!!
I found this link from a Facebook group that makes fun of white peopling.
There is. It should say he “came out” during that convocation.
The early episode where she makes a pizza that she later *breaks* in half makes my wife and I lose our shit every single time. I actually peed from laughter the first time I watched it.
My dad used to work in construction with dudes that did meth. I guess their supply was pretty reliable. They had figured out the exact dose they needed to be amped but focused. A lot of them worked back to back 12+ hour days, but they’d been so broke before they had the job that the meth felt like a better option than…
Dude, what? The corners are where it’s at! When I make it for my students, the corners go first and everyone hates those people the rest of the day.
I was in marching band, so my reaction to hearing the national anthem is to grab the nearest saxophone and pretend I memorized the sheet music.
I doubt she didn’t know. She is a military brat and a second time Olympian. AFAIK, she put her hand over her heart when she received her medals in 2012. I figure she either, as she said, was reflecting on the moment, or possibly in protest of systemic antiblack racism.
I work at a college, and I have found various rare pokes in the same spot of different types. I know there are some reliable spawn points for a particular poke, but I think you’re right as well in that some spawn points are just for rares in general.
This is incorrect. I submitted one and instantly got a form email saying they are not taking PokeStop submissions at this time.
It will still work on battery saver in your pocket, but you’d need to be able to hear the alert or feel the vibration when you’re near something. Just for hatching, make sure the screen stays on, enable battery saver, and put it in a pocket or bag upside down.
Driving doesn’t count, but I have heard that biking does, if you’re looking for something faster than walking.
I think it’s a problem if that is how you do everything on Pokemon Go, but my husband and I like to drive to a big hub of gyms and spots, then park and walk to all of them. There are only maybe 4 points of interest within 2 miles of our apartment. The only stops we drive up to are things in parking lots, and only if…
In my last apartment, my upstairs neighbor was robbed while I was home. We always heard sounds like someone was moving furniture, all the time. Pretty loud. So when her apartment was being ransacked by burglars, it sounded to me like a normal day. I didn’t know what happened until the police came by to ask all the…
Oh my god, yes. AV Club has a great interview with Morris about that part. They basically told him “do you have any silly voices?” He apparently filmed that rant many, many times with none of the other actors in the room. The director basically told him to keep going, say whatever, and they’d use the best parts.
Tiger balm is the worst. I rub it on my husband’s bad shoulder, and yeah, it takes a couple rounds of washing before I can safely touch my junk. Learned that the hard way.
One of my college roommates went home for a long weekend while the rest of us stayed on campus. We got lots and lots of rolls of painter’s tape and stuck every item of theirs we could to the ceiling. They fell out laughing when they returned, we were all clutching our sides and crying with laughter, and once we…
I love Winston! His characterization has gotten so great in the last few seasons. It’s obvious that they didn’t know what to do with him at first when they needed a replacement actor for Damon Wayans Jr.
Nope, that’s one of the perks of Mirena. Since the hormones are able to enter your body in the exact place that needs them, weight doesn’t matter. Anecdotally, I’m 325 pounds, on my second Mirena, and don’t use condoms with my husband. We’ve never had a scare or any complications.