
This is really frustrating.

Go to Cambridge, not Boston.

I think this works with other kids, for us anyway, but I still struggle with sharing between siblings. Anything that’s personal property doesn’t have to be shared, period. But taking turns with the TV or video game machine seems much harder for them than it should be. In general, I think it’s easier to share with

Some kids are just developmentally unable to control certain behaviors until they grow a bit, regardless of consequences or conditioning, so keep that in mind. I can “condition” my son to use polite language with consistent consequences, but nothing I do will keep him sitting still in his seat or eating neatly—it’s

Right, all of that is after I quit playing. I believe that her character becomes more interesting/self-assured/whatever, my issue is with the setup. It still reinforces the stereotype, even if the character then proceeds to break out of it.

Exactly my point... you just illustrated the exact problem I am addressing.

We have a golden doodle, and she’s pretty perfect as a family dog. Good temperament, energetic but not frenetic, and hypoallergenic.

Check your privilege. Also, nowhere did I say I’m not succeeding in life, nor that no one else faces adversity. As a white, middle-class American, I have had enormous advantages most people in the world haven’t. None of that has any bearing on the fact that our culture has a problem with sexualizing and

I love games with flawed characters! But there are many ways to make that happen in a game without using problematic cultural stereotypes that way.

You still don’t understand my point though. It has nothing to do with who cares about what. The point is, as a culture we have a problem with objectifying women, whereas we don’t have a problem objectifying men. In order to be “equal”, one must take that into account and remedy it, not just assume an equal

If you want to stop and stare at something, like the ceiling in Grand Central or the neon of Times Square (if you do end up there), please move off to the side first. The sidewalks are narrow, the train stations are packed, and for locals, navigating around gawking tourists is like a not-so-fun video game.

I’m guessing you don’t get why “all lives matter” is offensive to black people either.

When the splatoon 2 special edition was released a few weeks ago I was shocked they still had stock around noon... (store opened at 7am)

Yeah, and maybe I’ll end up playing one of those other characters. It just bugs me that this is still the way Square wants to introduce it’s game in 2017.

It’s not the sexual content, it’s the sexualizing and demeaning of women which is a problem in our society. Males don’t have the same problem and it wouldn’t be reinforcing a stereotype with men.

Yet even depiction continues to reinforce the stereotype in people’s minds, particularly children who haven’t been exposed to those stereotypes before. I guess you migh just respond that this is not a children’s game, but that’s a shame since JRPGs seem so good for tweens in other regards. Also, as a woman, I just

I was really excited about this until I started playing Primrose’s storyline. The skimpy outfits, the “master”, the “allure” attack... I don’t care if she does eventually end up kicking ass, I am just so sick of seeing women stereotyped in this sexist way. Why not have a male dancer and a female warrior? I won’t be

Sure, but you could say the same thing for sugar, or animal protein, or a number of other substances widely consumed but also considered toxic by some groups.

Pediatrician says it’s okay, so I guess that’s that.

So if the science said that alcohol was bad, I would definitely agree. But most sources I’ve found, including my pediatrician, say it’s fine in moderation. And people often breastfeed up to four years now—I’m aiming for at least two—so it is a sacrifice, particularly if it’s unnecessary.