I really want to play FFXV but I’m pissed off that there are no female party members. WTF, Square? It sounds like there are no significat female characters in the game, period.
I really want to play FFXV but I’m pissed off that there are no female party members. WTF, Square? It sounds like there are no significat female characters in the game, period.
Yeah — I’ve heard it’s an awesome game, but it really puts me off when games only have a male player character. Again, if I had unlimited time... but I only play about an hour a week, so I wanna play a girl ^___^
Yup, I own it, just don’t have any time to play it.
Thanks! That sounds good. I’m happy to read a spoilery recap of the first game too.
I only have time to play 2-3 console/PC games a year, and I don’t want to play two games in the same series or even genre, nor do I want to play something with years-old graphics.
Seriously, why isn’t Kirk Hamilton reporting this?
Seriously, why isn’t Kirk Hamilton reporting this?
Will I enjoy this if I didn’t play the first game? I have extremely limited time to play video games and can’t fit in both,
What about men cosplaying as men who wear women’s clothing? Such as pretty much any vkei star. Mana, anyone?
Piercing Mildred 😈
Reminds me of my Sega Nomad. http://www.old-computers.com/Museum/computer.asp?st=2&c=1233
I have the opposite problem -- I feel like I have to go to the bathroom, but I can’t relax enough to pee. It takes me 5+ minutes sometimes to get started. Is that normal?
I love Splitscreen, but I couldn’t care less about Destiny. C’mon Jason, can’t we get back to the regularly scheduled dose of JRPG goodness? Two weeks in a row without even one mention of Suikoden 2 and I’m starting to go into withdrawal...
This would be amazing, except that most stores have such permissive return policies these days. I bought a new Apple Watch, wore it for three days, and decided I didn’t like it. Returned it -- total cost, $0. I could easily have bought a Fitbit and a Garmin from Target at the same time and returned all three.
Forget when the fuel light goes on, what I want to know is, how long can you drive when it says “0 miles” on the dashboard?
If I have never played a Phoenix Wright game and want to try one, which should I play? I’m not necessarily planning to play them all.
“But say you have two Charmanders that both have high CPs. Which do you evolve? If you’re planning on battling with one of them, look at their move sets. It’s best to have a pokémon with two different types of attacks. In Charmander’s case, a version with Scratch (Normal type) and Flamethrower (Fire type) is more…
Yup, I’m playing it that way on the 3ds. The japanese voice acting kind of reminds me of Evangelion.
Whoa. Major flashback moment. I haven’t heard Amuro Namie mentioned in about 10 years...
Aww... the pikachu in the end... *feels*
Anime: Utawarerumono The False Faces
Song: “Fuantei na Kamisama”
Artist: Suara