
This would be amazing, except that most stores have such permissive return policies these days. I bought a new Apple Watch, wore it for three days, and decided I didn’t like it. Returned it -- total cost, $0. I could easily have bought a Fitbit and a Garmin from Target at the same time and returned all three.

Forget when the fuel light goes on, what I want to know is, how long can you drive when it says “0 miles” on the dashboard?

If I have never played a Phoenix Wright game and want to try one, which should I play? I’m not necessarily planning to play them all.

“But say you have two Charmanders that both have high CPs. Which do you evolve? If you’re planning on battling with one of them, look at their move sets. It’s best to have a pokémon with two different types of attacks. In Charmander’s case, a version with Scratch (Normal type) and Flamethrower (Fire type) is more

Yup, I’m playing it that way on the 3ds. The japanese voice acting kind of reminds me of Evangelion.

Whoa. Major flashback moment. I haven’t heard Amuro Namie mentioned in about 10 years...

Aww... the pikachu in the end... *feels*

Anime: Utawarerumono The False Faces
Song: “Fuantei na Kamisama”
Artist: Suara

Yup, that’s why I specified that both parties need to understand what the other means. I guess it’s the difference between being “innocently literal” and “knowingly literal” ... only the latter is obnoxious.

“she might pick up a toy and a dozen books and other non-toy items and argue I didn’t say she couldn’t pick up other things. I’ve learned I have to be very specific lest she back me into a corner.”

I get that if your parents served you large quantities of food over your protests. We let the kids serve themselves, but they have to finish what they take. (Sometimes we serve them small helpings of things they’re expected to at least try—not enough to make anyone full.) I think that’s reasonable, because we want to

I am still waiting for an update to fix the borked parental control restrictions... I was so disappointed not to see that on the list. Anyone know if they're planning to let you set the game rating restriction per account, instead of global as it is now? It's really annoying to have to go into settings and change

All of the tracks were skipping for me — it made them all sound low quality. Anyone else have this problem?

For some reason, mine says "We will return soon"—anyone else getting a clear stream? Or is something delayed in DC?

That's good to hear. But don't you still have to deal with getting the money back? The nice thing about credit cards is that the money is never gone in the first place—your bank accounts are completely separate.

You are correct—debit cards used as credit cards are protected. However, the OP was referring to "places where credit isn't accepted". So I was talking about debit cards being used with a pin as a debit card...

This makes sense until you realize that debit cards are not fraud-protected like credit cards. If someone gets access to your credit card, you simply don't pay the bill. If your debit card gets stolen, your bank account gets drained and you're lucky if you ever recover the money. I always recommend never using

I think it's a tragedy that so many people have children when there are so many children in need of homes. Both my mother and my grandmother were adopted; my mother and her sisters were in an orphanage for a year. So when I met and fell in love with a man with three boys whose mother had died of cancer, I didn't

Has anyone figured out how to add tags when saving to Pocket from Feedly? This would make Pocket 1000x more useful to me.

Gah! Natsukashiiiiiii....