
Dear Lifehacker, I have a simple question: does speeding really get you to your destination any faster? I tend to be a more conservative driver and it drives my boyfriend crazy (who always goes 10mph over the speed limit. I'm pretty sure that between red lights and traffic, there's not enough time saved for it to even

Dear Lifehacker, I have a simple question: does speeding really get you to your destination any faster? I tend to be a more conservative driver and it drives my boyfriend crazy (who always goes 10mph over the speed limit. I'm pretty sure that between red lights and traffic, there's not enough time saved for it to even

Thanks! I pretty much am just uninterested, and I don't mind it particularly, but I get bored because I'm not turned on.

I only want to have sex once or twice a month, but my boyfriend prefers more often. I would like to compromise, but I'm not sure what to do when I'm not really "in the mood". I don't want to fake it, but I want it to be enjoyable for him, and not feel like a chore. Any tips?

Wow, that's an idea. I love vinegar (even as a child I did) and would pour it on everything, so it wouldn't work for me though.

Own less things. Every time your child gets a new toy, have them pick an old one to give to charity. I just started reading Clutterfree With Kids by Joshua Becker and it's inspiring.

I agree 100%. I have been much happier since I stopped taking measurements in areas of my life I want to improve, and started focusing on qualitative feelings.

I use a mix of gentle dish soap and olive oil, a la Michelle Phan.

I measure what's reasonable in my life by what I know and understand about personal health and the health of the environment (which is based on a mix of experience, empirical studies, professional recommendations, etc). Of course there is no 'one right answer' as to how much meat a person should eat. I think it's

My apologies; I wasn't intending to be judgmental. I was genuinely quite surprised by the quantity of poultry and red meat. To me, it doesn't seem healthy or sustainable. But then, I get crap from people I know because I eat meat at all. So, down to cultural difference?

I love tuna, but I would be nervous about eating it so frequently — mercury content and all.

I am glad I grew up in New England then — I'm not sure what the average American eats, but no one I knew ate that much meat (and we shop Costco all the time). Maybe it's because fresh fish are so plentiful here?

I shall add: way too much, in my humble opinion, for my health and the health of the environment.

4.5 oz per day?? That sounds like a lot to me. Personally, I only eat red meat two or three times a year, but once a week sounds like a reasonable amount for someone who is more into it.

The first selection has red meat in 5 of the 11 recipes.

That is way too much meat, especially red meat.

Is there a significant difference between running Tails natively versus in a VM, assuming you own the host system?

Did anyone else read beer hat?

Try running a couple VMs on top of that. 16gb starts to seem like a minimum...

Try running a couple VMs on top of that. 16gb starts to seem like a minimum...