
Mei is one of my favorites, as you can troll the OTHER team incredibly well. She’s a solid front-line defender, and can challenge a payload solo for a surprisingly long time once you get a good rhythm going between icewall/icecube.

Reminds me of this:

I don’t get why you are shitting all over this. It will be a great asset as it fills a need (all be it very a very specific one) that no other transport tech can fill and look, the thing crashed and it is fine. I wish planes had that kind of resiliency.

Yeah.. we all fell for the clickbait title. Nothing to see here people.

Oh the manatee

The surgery was a great success until the patient died.


This is one of the most interesting Overwatch stories i heard in a while, it’s amazing that it takes such conscious effort to suck and get the lowest rank in the game, i was surprised there are people at the 20s ranks, this is almost uncharted territory to me (lowest rank i got due to terrible loss streak was 39, my

Your seriousness trumps my fun.... so that being said if your fun trumps mine, then fuck me, right? It goes both ways friend.


his stream is hilarious, and is actually highly educational, weirdly. he just goes off, 1v1s people, often kills most of the enemy team, sometimes at their spawn, he just never touches the objective, ever. and that is enough for him to lose literally every game.

Competitive players will always be in greater need of the advice than Quick Play players.

He probably needed to play enough where his team wouldn’t boot him for intentionally feeding. It’s actually pretty impressive, because he would have to tune his playstyle to be exactly slightly worse than everyone else. If I did come across him on my team, I’d just chalk that one game to be a loss and maybe even try

No one is disputing he’s a villain. But you respect the villainy.

No, because then you’re just not doing anything. He’s simulating being a terrible player.

“A victory comes from enjoying the match, not winning or losing. Whatever little text pops on your screen, it doesn’t matter. It matters that you had fun doing it.”

Agreeeeed. Sometimes when I’m grouped with that kind of person I privately wish the game tanks just to see them fall harder. If we win, cool. If we lose, -LET THEM BURN-.

I’m way fine with this. Honestly, the worst players to me are not the ones that are bad, or are doing things that hurt the team(other than Mei icewalls). Cause you can easily carry a game with 5 or 4 players.

It’s the really toxic, screaming at everyone “Holier than thou” players that make a game go from fun to awful.

“I’m enjoying my end game. I’m watching people go, ‘Oh shit, it’s Hanjo. I’m bad at this game.’”

You know, while him doing this is inherently a dick move, pretty much any competitive ladder I have ever been in are filled with A+ try hard jerks, and the one on Overwatch has some real “winners”, so screw them.

Long Live Hanjo!