I suppose it is possible they can add it after all the alpha backlash, but the plan was to replace Attrition with Bounty Hunter.
I suppose it is possible they can add it after all the alpha backlash, but the plan was to replace Attrition with Bounty Hunter.
I remember large parts of the BF 4 were spent in big, empty expanses with nothing to shoot at despite having more players in the game.
Pharah’s not that great, you don’t need a sniper to deal with her at all. Any hitscan hero (Soldier: 76 and McCree) can handle her pretty easily, and the increased usage of Zenyatta makes her even more vulnerable.
It’s really all about placement, though. One well-placed Bastion is infinitely more irritating than three hiding behind Reinhardts. My least favorite Bastion placement is probably that little corner room right before the first point on Hollywood. I always think I’ve taken out enough enemies to dash for the point, and…
Smart team comp....have the one hard counter to Bastion’s hard counter.....almost as evil as 3 Bastions hiding behind 3 Reinhardts.
Why do none of you use Reinhardt? I like playing almost all of the characters, but I always come back to Reinhardt. He protects his teammates with a giant shield so you are always one of the most important characters on the map. And when you go full ANGRY ATTACK REINHARDT, you can just wreck the team by running in and…
And I’m sure you’ve been told for YEARS beyond that that no one forces you to click on a post you have personal concerns with.
But, what the hell; content should be generated for your interests, as everyone else is obviously a dung-headed pleb.
I just finished up a match where the defending team had one Winston and five Bastions.
I finally understand the Bastion hate; that was ridiculous.
Like what battlefront did with conquest
I played a ton of the original game, but a vast majority of my time was spent in the Horde mode. I gave the tech test a try, but I just didn’t like the changes they made. It might have just been the map was too open, but I’m way too used to pulling ninja moves to get on top of titans and rodeo them, and I had an…
You unlocked upgrades for your Titan weapons through kills with the Titan, such as larger magazine or faster reload.
In other words, this was a very successful technical test! Clearly, they received some valuable feedback that would have been disastrous if the game launched like that. Personally, I really like that more and more console games are doing public Alpha’s. I feel like all of the games that have gone this route have…
That PC players are whiny little children who think anyone gives a dick about what each person has in their PC and constantly cries about not being able to play in 9999999p and 99999fps.....Its pathetic and sad that these little bitches actually think anyone is jealous or gives a shit when they constantly rattle off…
It was announced a while ago.
They got rid of basically the only game mode I play, Attrition. I cannot even begin to tell you how disappointed I am, that they would dispose of the most popular game mode in TF and not even blink an eye.... Not cool
My big gripe was focused on what appeared to be a lack of options for Titan loadouts. The first game let any Titan carry any weapon, which was pretty rad.
Personally, I’m glad for the changes. My initial impression of the tech test was pretty negative. Even though I was doing well, the game certainly seemed to lack the mobility and fluidity of the first. I’m still not terribly keen on the new pilot v titan mechanic, as I thought the original game’s “rodeo” style was…
The first game seemed like a big missed opportunity for a single-player campaign. I can imagine Prince of Persia-type levels blended with shooting, boss fights where you have to take down an enemy titan on foot, or maybe fighting a large experimental enemy titan and just trying to survive long enough for your own…
“We’ve read feedback about the HUD feeling too busy. At launch Titanfall 2 will have menu options that allow players to turn these features on or off based on their individual preferences.”
Nice to see tests like this having a major effect on an upcoming game.